Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Darlings, If We Could All Look Like Julianne Moore, Everyone Would Be A Lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, this is the most important thing I learned from "The Kids Are All Right." Annette and Julianne are going to do for lesbians what has needed for a long time, get rid of the black crepe influence hung over those being such by the likes of Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen De Generes. Another thing is to make sure you have plenty of wine on hand if Annette Benning's Nic comes to visit.

Do lesbians drink more wine than gay men! Hoeny, I don't think so, because I have seen some queens who could outdrink Judy Garland and Elaine Stritch combined. And, honey, they were NOT lesbians!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe this heat, darlings!!!!!!! Talk about feeling like the proverbial Cat On A Hot Tin Roof! I am ready to jump off!!!!! But before I do, I am going to cool down and spend some eves at Monsieur Davide's!!!! Which should calm my nerves for tomorrow, when I have a meeting that is going to include Grotesque Creatures. Unless they get a hangnail or a better offer, which I pray.

So sweeties, march out there and see "The Kids Are All Right." Not since "Leapin' Lesbians" has their been such a positive portrayal of this species.

Make sure YOUR species portrayal is always positive, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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