Saturday, July 17, 2010

Darlings,. When Dining In A High End Restaurant, Do Not Attempt To Cop A Feel!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pay attention, now, girls, and you will learn something, that befits those of us who design ourselves as Miss Porter's alum. Last night I was dining with my sexy and handsome amour Monsieur Davide, at that famed romantic spot One If By Land, Two If Bt Sea, to comemorate Restuaruant Week. The atmopshere was superb, the food exquisite--pretzel cheese bread, with two pieces that looked like tits, sparkiling Pellegrino, a red snapper entre for Davide, and a gravitte steak with radishes and potatoes and red cabbage for me. Cappe off by coffee, and respectively, a panna cota, and bannana mousse with ice cream and caarmelized bananas.

Now, I understand, Monsieur had been under duress last week with a smmer cold, from which he ahs fully reocovered. BUT, sweetheart, you do NOT dop your napkin and then grope your partner's crotch under the table. I mean, I am not Paulette Goddard.
And you shoudl have seen the look of lascivious lust he gave me while tonguing his coffee cup as we sipped. As though he were tonguing a freshly....well, I cannot begin to say it.

It is a wonder we were not thrown out. And I have been spotted here before, so my reputation needs to remain spotless. I was gentle, but firm, and I am urging all my girls to take the same approach if confronted with such a situation. When the two of you return to whatever habitue, you can give out all you want. But under no circumstance is it to be done in a high end restuarant!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we leave and he shoves me up against a wall, which rings someone's door bell! I mean, my God!!!!!!!!! Girls, let this be a warning to you. When dining at a romantic spot, make it clear that you mean business. Give him all the business he wants when you get home, but while you are there, lambs, that evening is YOURS, and it is to be observed with proper decorum.

Even if you get hard. Even if it is harder to resist those lascivious eyes!!!!!!!!

See you at nine, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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