Saturday, July 17, 2010

Girls, Lets Get Behind And Rally For Alice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, darlings, no one is more sensitive to accusations and remarks of homorphobia made by other people. After all, I grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey, and have still not forgotten in seventh grade when Geri Sue Klein, to my face, referred to me as "a fairy nice boy." And that is just for starters.

Supposedly on Thursday eve, a bunch of self appointed Theater Queens were going to gather outside the booth stage door, to wait for Alice Ripley, the Tony winning star of the Pulitzer Prize winning "Next To Normal," and protest her Facebook remark onlilne. But nobody is criticizing the one who triggered the remark.

What prompted this was another self-appointed queen who had stated he had seen Alice in the show eight times, which was seven too many. Sweetheart, some of these queens can be SO stupid. If you did not like it, or were not enamored of it, then why see it eight times? Twice would be pushing it, but eight????? Who is this bitch kidding?

Now, Alice is a theater verteran who knows the score. She recognizes flippancy (or stupidity) when she sees it. So she flips right back saying that "this actor (I won't say fag) is now my new best friend..." and now all sorts of gays who have no capability of social conscience beyond what is the next party they are going to, have their panties out of sorts. Girls--GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, even in her statement Alice said she wouldn't say fag, second how many tinmes do you hear gay men of a certain vintage and sophistication say, "THAT's a change from the fags you're ususally stuck with," or reciting Edith Massey's speech," I would be so proud if you was a fag, with a real beautician boyfriend..." from "Female Trouble." Darlings, Alice is just being one of the gang; as she has said she has been a supporter of the gay community for years, she knows who made her career, loves, and how many of us traipsed out to Paper Mill just to see her sing "Meadowlark" in "The Baker's Wife." Kiss my ass, you bitches!!!!!!!!! Get off Alice's case, and learn some important things--like who the President of the United States is, and what Anna is planning for the Fall lineup. Silly Queens have nothing better to do than throw a hissy fit over nothing!!!!! Do you want to compare Alice to some REAL homophobes, like Mel Gibson or Adam Sandler??? And they are just plug ugly, unlike Alice.

So I am here getting behind and rallying for Alice, and I urge you all to do the same!!!!! Alice, we love you and look forward to seeing you in your next endeavor. And I hope when you exited the Booth stage door Thursday eve, you bitch slapped those silly queens with their own panties.

MY panties are firmly in place. Make sure yours are, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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