Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh, My God, Darlings, Barbara Parkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, last night we curled up and watched the 1971 oldie "The Mephisto Waltz." This is the one where Alan Alda plays a failed convert pianist, who is befriended by a renowned one and his evil, incestuous dauaghter. They try to channel Satan to transmigrate souls to take over other bodies so they can continue their relationship into eternity.

What is important here is that Roxanne DeLancy, the evil, incestuous daughter, is played by Barbara Parkins, who is just STUNNING. Girls, back in the
60s and early 70s, we all wanted to look like Barbara Parkins--to dress like her, wear our hair like her. When she comes down the stairs here in the black gown with her hair pulled back--well, not since Gene Tierney as Isabel in the 1946 "The Razor's Edge" has there been anything more stunning. And don't forget she repsresents all us gay guys coming to New York when, as Ann Wells, she presses heer face to the windowpane of the train, in the classic opening of "Valley Of The Doll;s."

Barbara has done so much for beauty and glamour in our generation. It was a pleasure to see her last night--so much so it is enough to make me draw a pentagram and light a candle. But you don't mess with the Devil. But then he dowes not mess with me, because I know two words to keep him at bay--Anna Wintour!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bet she knows how to draw her pentagram, loves!!!!!! THat is probably hwo she gto VOGUE. Make sure you don't stain the carptet, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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