Thursday, July 15, 2010

Darlings, What A Fabulous Bitch We Have This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this week's selection is on the border of crossing over from Bitch into scum, but we are going to keep it at Bitch Of The Week, because rottensess doesn't come any more rotten!!!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is---Mel Gibson!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Mel, once he was thought to be one of the hottest things in film. Of course, he did nothing for me, darlings, because my taste is so much more sophisticated. But, honey, his film career has tanked, his father has revealed himself as a racist, antiSemtitc, homophobic bigot, and let us just say the apple does not full far from the tree.

How about telling the one you love, "You need a bat in the head?" How about saying to her, "I will burn down your house, but first you are gonna have to blow me?" Huh? I mean, are we kidding? But nothing can top--"You will be put in the backyard, cunt, and I am capable of doing it."

REAL classy, Mel, very Noel Coward. What someone needs to do is truss him up in a sling, fist fuck his hole and paddle his balls until he screams in agony. And then IF he still does not behave, remove them!!!!!!! Let's get Ellen Page to do it, since she was so good in "Hard Candy." This is one Gibson vehicle I would pay to see.

Now maybe there are substance and drink issues. But this anger has always been there, no matter. I think it comes from being a Republican, myself. What Mel does not realize is the reason his career has tanke is because his behavior has done him in. And unless he gets his act together, he will no logner have a career because no one will support a sexist, racist PIG!!!!!!!

Oink oink, Mel!!!!!!!!!!! Go roll in your mudhole or get someone to stick something up your hole!!!!! It might change your perspective. Meanwhile, girls, keep your persepctive on this bitch who is one to avoid. We salute you as Bitch Of The Week, Mel not because we love you, but because we have to warn others that you are to be gotten rid of!!!!!!!

Hope to see you hanging soon in a meat produce store!!!!! Love to all my darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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