Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Bastille Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, can you believe we have made it to another Bastille Day???? Our host and role model is of course the great Madame Da Farge, especially as portrayed by Blanche Yurka in the 1935 Selznick movie. She really had it in for those Darnays, just like we all have it for someone, don't we, mon petits????

But instead of dwelling on the guillotine, I will dwell on dining this eve with an enchanting gentleman at at charming French bistro/restaurant in the Village. "Sale of Two Titties," my ass, do you think I am dumb, like Alice BLake. Like all the Alice Blakes I was force to go to school with during my first 12 years???? Huh!!!!!!!!!!

It is much too pleasant and exciting a day to dwell on such matters!!!! Manger! Manger! and Vive La France! That's what say, darling! Je t'aime, je t'aime, tout de suite!!!!!!!!!!!!

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