Thursday, July 22, 2010

Girls, Have We Got A Bitch For You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week's Bitch Of The Week is SO perfect even her name says it all. Her favorite song is probably Abba's "Gimme Gimme Gimme", but it is not a man after midnight she wants, but money--moolah, moolah, moolah!!!!!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is none other than Ruth Madoff, wife of financial bilker now in prison Bernie Madoff.

The name says it all, darlings--Madoff, that is "made off," as in "mad off" with all the money. Now, technically, while it was Bernie who was doing such, Ruth sat by and aided and abetted with all the skill of Lady Macbeth. Honey, she had to have her creture comforts, and she did not care whose hard earned life savings they came from. And now, darlings, she is crying poor mouth, having to "lower herself" (!!!!) to doing volunteer work, and we are supposed to feel SO sorry????

Volunteer work? Hey, Ruth, never mind the humanitarianism, you will never make it! How about getting a regular paying job, with an aim to paying back the people Bernie bled dry???? Now THAT would be an act of charity. But it all about Ruth and her reptuation, and looking good, which is why she is such a bitch!!!!!!!!!!! Nice that she can sleep at night and live with her conscience. Where she should be sleeping is next to her husband in jail. Or maybe in a wommen's prison, like in "Caged," with a Hope Emerson type as her matron.

So pile out, Ruth, you tramp!!!!!!!!!!!! Come clean and ease your conscience by doing something to ease the pain Bernie caused others. But you ARE self centered, which is the hallmark of a true bitch!!!!! You better watch your step, Ruth, because what goes around comes around, and that nice cell may be waiting for you eventually!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on this Bitch honor, Ruth!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't come any bitchier!!!!!!!!!!!

How is that, darlings??????????????????

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