Friday, July 23, 2010

Darlings, I Am As Pure As Miss Dorothy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no escaping it, girls, that Miss Dorothy in "Thoroughly Modern Millie", as played by Mary Tyler Moore, is MY role model. Wholesome, pristine and demure, dressed in the most frilly and feminine of dresses, with matching hats and gloves, and beads to match, she is the girl we ALL want to be, darlings--and Hell, we are--complete with a big strong man to protect us, which is what all us Miss Dororthys need. Singing and dancing our way through life, in and out of elevators, makes us feel so COOL and CLEAN!!!!!!!!! Darlings, like Miss Dorothy, I am everything so pure and wholesome I just radiate whiolesomeness!!!!!!!! So today, girls, I want you to put on your frilliest frocks, get out there in the world, and be the Miss Dorothy I know you are all capable of being!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like Mary, and just like ME, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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