Thursday, August 5, 2010

Darlings, Daddy's Daughter Is Such A Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, it was the zero hour--Thursday morning, walking to the subway, not a bitch in sight, when my eyes caught a glance at the NY Metro in its stand and the glaring headline--"Giulianni's Daughter Busted!"

And then I knew I HAD it! The Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Week this week is none other than Miss Caroline Giulianni, daughter of the former Right Wing/pit bull Mayor of New York.

Honey, this story has so many facets. It mentions Caroline being enrolled at Harvard? How did she manage that? I mean, she was no Miss Porter's alum, and her parents, for all that her father was a hot political honcho, and her mother a journalist/golddigger, were pretty low class.

Anyway, Miss Caroline is in an Upper East Side store, Sephora, and is caught nabbing jewels for herself. What't the matter, hon, need to pay your Harvard tuiition??? She is found with quite a stash, and the cops haul her off. I cannot wait to see what "Law and Order" does with THIS!!!!!!!!!

Rudy, of course, will defend his daughter, just like he defended his dumb, pllug ugly son Andrew, who is now 23, and very likely as miserable as he was when a child. But Donna has her work cut out for her, which is what she gets for trying to scale social and fame ladders by marrying Giulianni. Girls, can you imagine sleeping with THAT??? Not on your life, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! I would sleep with Eliot Spitzer first!!!!!!!!!! (Not to worry, M. Davide!!!!!!!!!!)

Let's see how Daddy keeps his baby lamb out of the slammer on this one. Let's see how Andrew throws another hissy fit; he is probably some big panty wearing queen, who is an insult to all us honest queens!!!!!!!!!!

But Miss Caroline is such a bitch, girls, feeling she is just entitled to take whatever she wants from wherever she wants. You have to admire her hubris, and her good fortune at not being as ugly as her brother; she almost looks presentable!!!!!!!

Just remember, girls, the only way for us to get jewels is when the man buys them! Like placing a ring on our finger!!!!!!!!!!!

Get those fingers ready, loves! Miss Caroline, from the looks of things will be waiting for hers for quite a while!!!!!!!!!

Love you all, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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