Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Darlings, The Past Just Keeps Coming Back!!!!!!!!!!!!

.....well, to continue, he lives in Yardley, PA, with his wife, Paula Weiss. The name struck out at me immediately, as did the town, and when I consulted by Reunion book, I discovered that this was the Paula I knew.

Now, my interactions with her were different from Diane or Roberta. For starters, we both began our schooling at Irving, because her folks at the time were living in those apartments down by the river, which was not exactly high end, if you get my meaning, loves. And I was born into affuluence on the North Side, where the RIGHT people lived. Paula proved to be very bright, and her parents knew the game, so after second grade, Paula said bye bye to Irving, and was put in Lafayette School, where her parents moved near to. Just like I should have been put around then to Hamilton. Paula and I did not resurface till seventh grade, where, while cordial, she was a bit condescending; she made you feel lucky if she would deign to talk to you. And this after playing with me as children. She hung around with the ugly and less socially prominent--Debbie Kaplan (ohm GOD, was she ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!), David Kesselman (who did not imporve with age) and Susan Greenhaus, who pretty much stayed the same. According to what I read she met her husband at Rutgers Law School in Camden, and la-di-da!-- a house at the Jersey shore and everything. Sweeties, I want the Dakota or Park Avenue, not the fucking Jersey shore. Shows their middle class limitations. But Paula was something of an attention grabber herself, and she got Honor Society when I should have gotten it, even though, after having beenc chosen to take Algebra in the 8th grade, she had to repeat it again in 9th, because Mr. Barber who taught both Algebra and the Upper 8th Grade Math Class (which I was in with Roberta) was not that good a teacher. Math was never my favorite, but any fascination it held was ruined for me. So fuck you, Mr. Barber!!!!!!!!! But Paula got honor society because she fit a certain mold which I did not, which Mrs. Santamarina favored. Do I resent Paula? You bet! Do I blame her? Of course not. I blame Mrs. Santamarina, who is now pushing up daisies, because it was SHE, not Pauila, who kept me out of the NHS!!!!!!!!!

So have fun in Yardley, Paula, dear! I know something about PA myself. Her husband looks better wtih his moustache. Just like some lesbians I know. And I always thought back then that Paula was a lesbian. Could have fooled me!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, at least I don't have to sleep with him!

Be careful what and whom you sleep with, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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