Monday, August 16, 2010

Darlings, For A Great Date Moive, You Cannot Beat "Gorilla At Large!!!!!"

Girls, the downtown set turned out in flux at the Film Forum last Saturday evening, when, as part of its 50's 3D festival, that horary classic "Gorilla At Large" was presented, with superb carnival set designs, a campy man in a gorilla suit as Goliath, a bathing suit sequined, pre-'Miracle Worker' Anne Bancroft, and the most gorgeous carnival and amusement park art direction and set design. Let me tell you, I have dated some gorillas in my time, and the one in this film was cuter than most. This was the perfect Saturday night film--grab some popcorn, curl up with someone, cop a feel or feel someone else (now, girls, let me be the first to explain--just because a man possesses you does not mean he can take public liberties, as the as always wonderful M. Davide found out when he escorted me on Saturrday) or NOT!!!!!!!! Remmeber when those hormones kick in during this laugh riot film, ask yourself, "Would Miss Dorothy succumb? Diane Von Furstenberg? Princess Lee Radizwill? Her cousin, Little Edie????? I don't think so.

But the movie was a scream, even if the sound was a bit off, which caused some viewers to leave, but, honey, let's face it, the plot is not Proust, so it is not like without the sound it can't be followed. What do you think the silent era was all about, darling?????????? Afterwards we retreated to another hot spot--John's Pizza on Bleecker Street, where we got in immediately. I am telling you, girls, I think they were anticipating the arrival of The Raving Queen!!!! Never underestimate the power of this blog!!!!!!!!!!

From there it was a short hop to BookBook, where I tried to locate some titles on TIME's Franzen bookshelf list, especially Jane Smiley's "The Greenlanders," which I am really curious about, and where M. Davide purchased a lovely copy of Mr. Franzen's "The Corrections," which I am actually thinking of rereading before reading his newest, and which is sweeping him (M. Davide) away with its transcendent sense of language and structure and an incisive examination of American malaise. I am telling you, if he gets through "The Corrections," he may get a reward. But do I force fine literature on others, girls????? Only if they are capable of it!!!!! I have too much time pursuing it on my own!!!!!!!!!!

So yesterday was all about recuperation, just as tonight is ALL ABOUT AUDREY, as she counts down, and we count down with her at a lovely late summer repast. Meanwhile, loves, I hope all your repasts or lovely, and don't forget to clock down the days until the new Jonathan Franzen arrives in bookstores!!!!!!

Darlings, it will simply MAKE our literary Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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