Saturday, August 14, 2010

Darlings, Sometimes A Day Off Can Be As Draining As Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, at the end of the day, I was SO exhausted. After a sleep filled night, I arose at 8am, made the coffee, took my meds, read, breakfasted, bathed, shaved, and readied my bag for the day/weekend. Isn't that glamorous, darlings. This is my life, and it happens every day.

Once out the door I dashed uptown to dine with the mysterious Mr. Messina. There is more than one story there, and we expect to find out, loves, and all shall be revealed here. But a good time was had by all.

Then it was down to the Village to get my hair done, and then over to Three Lives Books BECAUSE, dolls, the LITERARY EVENT OF THE YEAR is fast approaching, when, late this month, Jonathan Franzen publishes "Freedom," his first novel since "The Correrctions" and the word on the street is that he has done it again. Not that I am surprised because "The Corrections" confirmed that impression for me. I mean, girls, for three days, I did not READ that book, I LIVED with it, and may have to read it again prior to this latest endeavor.

Have you seen him on the TIME cover? It is simply fabulous. And those side bars on the evolution of American ficition, and then Franzen's list of inspriring works--we have some reading cut out for us, darlings, even it it IS a reread. But meanwhile we are holding our breath until "Freedom" hits the book stores.

In the meantime girls, hold your breath on the beach at those time shares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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