Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Darlings, I Scored Ninety Per Cent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, as any of you already know, such an accomplishment is nothing unsual for me, having been educated alongside Diane and Roberta during my formative years, every bit as brilliant as they, though they got all the attentnion and I did not!

Well, while they now rot in Suburbia, who's getting the attentnion now, dolls?

Following on the heels of Hallee Hirsh as Jenny Brandt in "Killerz" I discovered a test online callled "Can You Spot A Serial Killer?" Of course, I just had to try, and wouldn't you know I scored so high?????? Now some may say, "What, you did not get 100%?" Honey, I am glad I didn't, because I think then that would mean that I AM a serial killer. Or at least have the potential for being one. Which I do not.

I mean, last night, with the Girls at the Malibu, I gave the cashier a $20 bill, and she gave me back $15 in change. My meal was $14. Now, if I were evil, I would instantly have pocketed this, and the poor thing would have gotten into some kind of job trouble. But instinctually I instantly said, "You gave me too much back."

See how sweet I am, lambs??????????

Now just because I can spot a serial killer does not mean I am agressively searching for one. But it does mean that if I see anything or anyone unsual, believe me, I AM aware of it. I attirbute my high score to my work experience and
personal interactions of the past. You better believe it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, I need to meet M. Davide this eve for some TLC and relaxation. I have my Stendahl, darlings, and that is NOT a sex toy!!!!!!!! Now I just need a Frozen Margarita and kick back my heels without this goddamn girdle!!!!!!!!!!!

And as I do all this, let's see how high you score, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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