Thursday, August 19, 2010

Darlings, It Was No Contest This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, after reading Tuesday's entry, it should come as no surprise that this week's winner of The Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Week Award is that ficittious child serial killr, Jenny Brandt.

Now, we don't exactly love Jenny, as she is not a hoot, like Rhoda, but we LOVE the brilliance with which actress Hallie Hirch plays her.

What can I add from Tuesday? This kid needs to be kept under wraps. And, as with Rhoda, just wait till those hormones kick in--not only may the killings accelerate, but so will the reasons for them.

In Rhoda's cae, we learned her notorious grandmother, Bessie Denker, though she went through the motions of having children, did away with them at her convenience. The same could potentially be said of Jenny, when she reaches that stage.

And as I have said, it would be great if Hallee, though now a young adult, made a return apprearance as the now young adult Jenny. What has she been uo to? And how many strange, unsolved killings out there might be attributed to her. And I am sure Hallee would do an equally great job, especially if pitted against someone on Jenny's level; ie; Take No Crap Vigilante, Harper Anderson, superbly played by Tracy Pollan. What a bitchfest that would be, darlings, I can just see those two going at each other! Harper would cream her!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny is probably the most nightmarish BOTW we have had! For that distinction alone, she would be honored. But while it might be fun to match wits with some BOTW's of the past, I can tell you, you do not want to mix with Jenny, especially if you are of the male persuasion. And I am sure she could see through all you drag queens!!!!!!!!!!

So here's to this week's bitch, Jenny Brandt! And here is to Hallee Hirch making a return appearance on SVU in her singnature role!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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