Saturday, August 7, 2010

Darlings, If Snookie Can Be Famous, Then I Should Be A Star!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, girls, come on; all this fuss about "Jersey Shore" star Snookie and getting busted, and all? What is with the paparazzi? She is not pretty or sexy enough to be a tart, she is certainly white trash, which comes as no surprise, since, while there exceptions like MERYL and moi, New Jersey is essentailly a White Trash State, and she is not slutty enough for "Jersey Couture." Yet, here she is getting all the publicity. Honey, she looks like some overage version of what used to crawl out of Goat Alley at nights. Or their mothers!!!!!!!!! Even Diane Dykeman, in her halcyon days, was more presentable than this.

And this is what get media attention today!!!!!!! While educated, informed (o a variety of subjects, love, from musical theater to serial killers) boobs like yours truly The Raving Queen, have to blog along, hoping that at some time notice will be taken and attention paid. And you know I do not intend to give up!!!!!!!!

Now, granted, this Snookie will have her day, and then it is off to some trailer trash park for her, where she will spend the rest of her days a hopeless alcoholic. When my fame comes, darling, you can bet it will be of longer duration.
And then people wonder why I am so up on serial killers. Let me tell you, lambs, coming from Jersey, it is a wonder there werent't nore of them per capita. I think Florida has its fare share. Need I say more?

I guess it is IN these days to be White Trash. But after escaping from such, do you think I will go back? Not on your life? The only trash I want to see is what goes out with the garbage, and the fame I aim for is a higher grade than that of Miss Snookie!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember, the Jersey shore is not everything, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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