Monday, August 9, 2010

Girls, We Just Love To Go Shopping

Darlings, I am telling you, I am so exhausted from yesterday. First an afternoon screening of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" at the Film Forum--and when Marilyn and Jane popped out of the screen at the opening, in their red gowns, to sing "We're Just Two Little Girls From Little Rock," I simply could not contain myself. This film is morally inspriring--the importance of us finding a man, the value of diamonds, of youth, and of sequestering yourself with an Olympic team. I think it should be made part of Gay 101. Not to menttion the faabulous Travilla (of "Valley Of The Dolls," fame, loves!) costumes and the make-up illustrate the importance of fashion in winning the battle for love. And remember, long as the guy's a millionaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From there it was shoe shopping--boxes and boxes pulled and footware donned until we found the exact set we wanted. Won't we be all set for Fashion Week, come fall? Anna will be so proud. Now if this heat would just abate. I was so worn out I could barely sing last night, but, honey, you know I am a trouper!!!!!!! While, Monsieur Davide looked on patiently, reading his paper, I relaxed with a psycho on the4 loose in "Law and Order--Criminal Intent." I think his problem stemmed from having Louise Fletcher as a mother, though she did not appear. Living with the Louise film persona would make anyone psycho, darlings.

I mean, dolls, it takes energy to be on the social scene. And what with the Fall Season approaching--new theater, opera, etc. And just three more days till a new Bitch gets chosen--the days just go like sand thorugh the hourglsss, accoriding to Macdonald Carey.

And lastly a sad and fond farewell to one of the greats, Patricia Neal, who as Alma in "Hud" did her best to keep another "cold blooded bastard" from your heart.
May the only thing near your hearts that is cold, girls, be some chilled champagne.
Dom Perignon, of course!!!!!!!!

Have a fabulous evening, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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