Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Girls, Let's Talk About Steve Slater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am telling you, Steve Slater is not only getting his fifteen minutes of fame right now, he is one of New York City's most unsung heroes since Berhard Goetz. But now he faces conviction??? Only in America, kiddies.

It seems that Steve, a flight attendant, had had enough. Now, honey, for those who work in service industries, who hasn';t felt like this? The plane was taxiing into Kennedy, and a passenger got up to remove their luggage before the plane had come to a halt, which even Miss Porter herself would tell you is a thing you NEVER do, darlings. But this Creature of Entitlement saw fit not only to refute Steve's professional request, but to curse him out! What people have to take is unbelievable!!!!!! Believe me, darlings, I know!!!!!!!! So Steve, who has had it up to here, what with unruly boobs, going back and forth to California caring for his cancer ridden mother and ill father, gets on the intercom and publicly gives the customer a dose of their own medicine!!!!!!! Good for you, Steve! Then he, in effect, says "Take this job and shove it!", grabs some beer and exits off the plane, via a sliding chute.

I think Steve should get a medal. And I want to know why the identity of the patron who triggered this incident is being protected, while Steve is being blasted all over the media. I know there was some concern that by exiting via the chute, he could have put a person's life in danger, had someone been out there, but no one was. I am not saying Steve should not own up to that--so slap him a misdemeanor fine!--but a jail conviction??? That is like convicting Martha Stewart for shopping at K-Mart!

Girls, I say let us get whomever the bitch is who cursed Steve out. I certainly want to know, because there we will have our Bitch Of The Week. Now, Alexandra Petri wrote an appology to Steve as the passenger, but is she REALLY, or is she just a journalist masquerading as such? I say, the latter! Meanwhile, let us rally behind Steve! We are not going to take abusive crap from people anymore!

But, darlings, please stay in your seats till the plane comes to a full stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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