Thursday, August 12, 2010

Darlings, This Is One Sick Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, sweeties, you know I hardly ever use the F-word; I am NOT Julie Powell, and Miss Porter would eschew such talk. And so would Miss Dorothy. However, in light of what has come to my attention, I could not help it, because an unfortunate incident of the past--not mine, dears, but one I clearly remember--was discovered.

While doing my research for the Jenny Brandt episode of "Law and Order," with Hallee Hirch, which I hope to see soon, I discovered one of the bases for the plot was the James Bulger case. I then further discovered that one of the perps in that case, Jon Venables, as of March of this year, is back in prison for two years.

Girls, without being too graphic, let me give you an idea of how heinous a crime this was, and why Jon Venables and his sidekick Robert Thompson are two of the most hated people in Birtain since Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. Hell, in the world probably. And I daresay, in 1993, as their crime came to pass, it raised some eyebrows from the jaded Brady, then in his fifties.

On the 12th, of February, 113, while playing hooking at a local shopping mall in the Liverpool area, Jon and Robert abducted, tortured, and finally murdered James Bulger. Oh, I negelected to mention, Mr. Bulger was but a two year old toddler, and the Messrs. Venable and Thompson had reached the ripe old age of TEN. That is right, girls--kiddies toruturing and murdering babies!!!!!!! Now, one can argue about Denise Bulger watching James more closely, but look what happened to the more independent and older Adam Walsh in this courntry. The opportunity was there, and unfortunately it was taken. And it could have been taken, even if James had been by Denise's side and she was enacting a business transaction, so cut her some slack, please. She lost her child to murder--but to two prepubescent murderers, who really had no empathy or remorse for what they had done. Talk about bad seeds!!!!!!!

We cry out for Justice For James! There is a website for such, and I urge you girls to visit and contribute. Because all these monsters were meted out was an eight year prison sentence, till they were 18, whereupon they were returned to society, albeit with different identities. Where is the Justice For James?????????

By now, both are in their late twenties. Thompson is straight, and probably sonme kind of sex pig. Venables, it turns out, lived with a gay man old enough to be his father, and had a good old pedophilliac time. The end result being Venables was recently arrrested on charges related to child pornography, which was probably encouraged by his partner, who frankly should be looked into, especially since he probably knew who and what he was living with. Sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, now Venables is imprisoned for two years!!!!!!!!!! I say when done cnfine him to a psychiatirc unit. And meanwhile pick up Thompson and put him in one, because I am telling you, darlings, as sure as you can say "Lindsay Lohan," at some point he will be in the headlines and back in prison too. Let's face it, if you are a monster at 10, you will be one at 30. Pathology does not change; it only mutates and evolves, sometimes for better, mostly for worse, but it never goes away.

Now, I have to go away, girls, because this is all getting much too dark for me. And I cannot wait for the new Jonathan Franzen. But meanwhile, think of sweet James Bulger, who today would be 19, and should have been!!!!!!!!! His spirit cries out for Justice, and though the mills grind exceedingly small, it will be grantd.

Have a lovely day, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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