Saturday, August 21, 2010

Darlings, It Is The Laugh Riot Of The Summer!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, girls, in addition to being Amy Adams' birthday, was the opening of this summer's best kept secret comedy hit--"Piranha 3D!" This is actually a remake of Joe Dante's 1978 cheesy "Jaws" spoof, which I did not even see. But since it has been more famine than feast this summer at the movies, I RAN to this yesterday!!!

Dolls, what a hoot! It should have been a musical. More food colored blood in the water than you would bake a Red Velvet cake with, more shaking booties and boobies, I swear than Russ Meyer, great art direction, set design, and the cutest little (chomp! chomp!) piranhas!!!!!!!! And how the mighty have fallen, or how hard times are in Hollywood, what with the likes of Elizabeth Shue, Christopher Lloyd, and Richard Dreyfuss in this fun filled mess, all of whom invest more professional energy into this than warranted. Too bad they are upstaged by booties,
boobies, and piranhas!!!!!!!

And speaking as The Raving Queen, I demand equal opportunity!!!!! Why not some nice male butt shots, and pecs???????????? I mean, God forbid gay men should
be regarded as some sort of valid demographic. And some of the guys in here look
potentially graphic to me, but we see more of the piranhas than we do of male flesh.
Covering themselves like a bunch of nuns; I mean, come on! But the flying torso,
and floating penis, which gets regurgitated by a piranha, has to be seen to be

I wonder how many actors passed on this classic. Now, I wouldn't, lambs,
because, as you know, it could be great fun, and a girl has to work; not to mention it would provide great material for this blog!!!!!!! I bet Meryl sent the script
back, with the gentle admonishment, "Are you kidding?" I am certain Amy Adams replied, "Honey, I just had a baby: leave me alone!" I bet Maggie Gyllenhaal told
her brother, "Don't even THINK of doing this crap!" and that was that!!!!

And poor Monsieur Davide. Had I known how he would react, I would never have
brought him to this film. I mean, I thought it was fun, and a hoot! HE was clinging to me so much I thought he was going to rip off my designer shirt; God forbid!!!!!!!!!! I guess the fishies were too much. Like a bunch of man hating,
cigar chewing lesbians at Henrietta"s; come to think if it, the fishies should go there, because with all that FAT, they could really chow down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But we had a fun time, girls! What a way to start the weekend!!!!

Hope the fun continures for us all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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