Saturday, August 21, 2010

Darlings, The NHS Is Not What It Is Cracked Up To Be!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, while going through that horror which comes to be known as high school, the National Honor Society was a goal yours truly surely had, and by rights was eligible for. Of course, I was passed over in favor of Diane, Roberta, and that ilk,and this has been a lasting scar.

Well, a recent news story brings home the sad fact that just one is chosen to
this august organization, it does not mean a bright future. To which I offer you
Philip Markoff.

Mr. Markoff, awhile back, was the handsome, pretentiously straight, medical student, engaged to be married to wholesome Megan McCallister of Little Silver, NJ, and you better believe we know that place, loves!!!!!!!! He was bright, disgustingly All American, and had been a member of the NHS.

Last week, while imprisoned, Mr. Markoff took his life. In April of 2009, he went to a hotel room, had sex with, roughed up, then murdered Julissa Brissman. Now, maybe Julissa was not pure, but she did not deserve this. The naiive Megan at
first stood by herman, then came to her senses, and broke off their engagement. So
narcissist supreme Philip sends a message by writng Megan's name in blood on the wall, and offing himself. But make no mistake, lambs--the message given here is not about thwarted romantic love, it is a twofold one of cowardice over facing trial, and of course Markoff's own personal mantra, which is--IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, you are wrong, Phil doll! It is more than about you, and here at The Raving Queen it is about MOI, darling!!!!! So the message, girls , is that the NHS does not guarantee you a stellar life!!!! Some of us are better than, and go on to do, greater things, than those who made this glorified Popularity Contest!!!!!!!!!! Not that I don't still have my resentments. But it took a news story of this magnitude to make me see the light!!!!!!!!

Hey, Phil, you thought you were so hot? I bet it is pretty hot where you are right now!!!!!!!!!

Let's all go cool off, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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