Monday, August 23, 2010

Darlings, Only I Could Have Such A Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let met tell you, it was not enough to see two pieces of trash back to back. Yesterday, amidst pouring rain, the very loving M. Davide and I trounced out to Morris Plains, NJ and met the most charming married couple with a secret. They live with a thrid party, the party being named Linda. Now, nothing unsual so far, lambs, but Linda happens to be the husband's cross dressing alterego!!!!! And then M. Davide wonders why I cannot wait to visit his Uncle Ernest!!!!!! A charming time was had by all, but let me tell you, darlings, I am a surivivor. At one point during the luscious cucumber salad, I felt something in my mouth. I thought a tooth had chipped, or God forbid, my cap had fallen out!!!! When I poked around I found the tiniest silver sliver of glass! Needless to say, I discreetly put it on my plate, discrettly removed the food from my mouth, via napkin, and resumed the meal, albeit with no more cucumber salad. I have to admit for the next 15 hours or so I wondered if I was going to have intestinal/digretive problems. As of this moment, I think things will be OK. Remember how we behave at Miss Porter's--when faced with potential disaster we do not make a scene until the occasion warrants it. And this did not!!!!!!!

But what a week is ahead of me! This Thursday, weather permitting, I am hosting Book Club, and it is your guess as to what is going to be served--maybe even calves' foot jelly!!!!!!!!!! I had an email from Audrey on what is happening--she says she is "at the hospital" which I don't know measn if the water broke and she is in labor, or if she is waiting to have something induced. Stay tuned to find out, girls, becasue I could be going to a briss!!!!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my friend of nearly 50 years, Doug, who could verify everything I have said on here about Diane, Roberta, Honor Society, Paula Weiss, and all that ilk. After being out of work for 31/2 months, he has a job, which he starts tomorrrow, and I am sure it is fabulous. I was sure he would be working at W though, but my guess is he is somewhere further downtown.

So, darlings, there is so much going on, I can hardly believe it!!!!!!!!! What am I going to wear to all these social events?????? Get Diane Von Furstenberg on the phone immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I am telling you--New Jersey, even though I grew up there, is stranger than I ever thought!!!!!!!!!! Watch out for panties, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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