Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Girls, The Suspense Is Killing Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still no word, darlings, on whether or not Audrey has given birth, but the very notion of her being in the hospital right now...Oh, MY God, I am having contractions...tells us she is coming down the home stretch, literally, and we just cannot wait to see what the fruit of that labor will be!!!!!!!!!! One thing for certain--it will be as beautful and as brilliant as Audrey!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meantime, I have to think about hosting BookClub on Thursday, and thank God for the lovely and versatile Monsieur Davide. Even if he is having trouble getting a handle on "The Correctons," he is loved and wanted for so many other reasons that finishing the Franzen book doesn't matter. Leave the literary rapture to me, loves!!!!!!!!!!

I have som much to read before I can even tackle the Franzen, that I cannot begin to tell you. I need several days off just to curl up and do this--and then curl up eves with Monsieur Davide. But until I make a dent in my book pile it is hands off Franzen--that is, if I can keep my hands off!!!!!!!!!!

We girls have so many decisions we have to make. Like what to wear to what social engagement. And there have been a lot of those of late, so my decision making is being challenged. And of course in two more days it is time once more for Bitch Of The Week, and honest I do not have anyone in sight. That may change, but I would like to see a few candidates out there. And don't tell me Sarah Palin, girls, because she is not worthy of the honor. MY BOTWs have some intelligence and cleverness behind them; Miss Palin makes the average soccer Mom from Jersey seem like a sophisticate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the answer for me right now is a good cream rinse. In fact, girls, why don't we go out and get one, so our hair will be shiny and fresh when we greet Audrey and the new baby!!!!!!!!!!!! But the question is still gnawing at the back of my mind--to briss, or not to briss??????????????

Cut it out, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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