Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Darlings, This Is The Debut Of The Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this is to welcome the arrival, at 4:30 yesterday morning, Ruby Ann, the daughter of my friend Audrey, who sailed through the whole childbirth thing, like a trouper!!!!!!! I should be so lucky, if I ever have a baby!!!!!!! And let me tell you, already this child's hair is perfect, just like Audrey. If I had given birth, you can bet my hair would not have looked as good as Audrey's did.

Darlings, this is the tiniest, most bright eyed and alert infant one could ask for. I am telling you, she is headed for Miss Porter's, and a career as an astrophysicist. Straight to M.I.T., this one!!!!!!!

I cannot wait till she starts reading. Wait till she tackles "Valley Of The Dolls!" And "The Bad Seed." Maybe Proust after that.

Dolls, I am so exicted you would have thought I had given birth!!!!! But I am not in the hospital to prove it. So we wish Audrey and Ruby Ann the happiest of wishes, and we especially wish Audrey a good rest while she is recuperating, because, sweetheart, for sure there won't be much rest after that!!!!!!!!!!

Now, if only my book club hosting duties go half as well. Talk to you soon, tots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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