Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Girls, I Am Warning You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, darling, I cannot reveal TOO much right now, but I am here to tell you that things are going to explode on HERE tomorrow. First, I will reveal who the Bitch Of The Week is, and once I do it is sure to kick up a storm of controversey among various social communities--the literary, and non-literary straight women and gay men. And don't let anyone tell me there aren't a lot of the last two out there--just look at the sales of the "Twilight" books. Stephanie Myer is to those communities what....oops I might be revealing too much already.

Of course I realize that actions have consequences. So all I can say is--darlings, if you do not like what you read on here tomorrow--BRING IT ON!!!!!!!! The Raving Queen will take you on, even while daring you to defy ME, which few do. Remember as a six year old child, at my grandmother's, while arguuing with my father, I ran to the pantry, came out with a broom--which at that point was bigger than I--pointed it staright at him, while theatrically calling, "Prepare to DIE!!!!" Darlings, what does say about me right there? At the very least that I refuse to back down. My schoolteachers--some of whom are pushing up daisies, ha! ha!--would verify that, and so would my therapist. As for those gay community members who will be admonished tomorrow--you queens thnik it is all one BIG party/ Only if you have the moxiwe and the social connections, loves! I mean, if you are trying to be gay in New York City, and do not know who ANNA or Diane Von Furstenberg is, you are out of here!!!!!!!!!! Finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So tune in tomorrow--I cannot say bright and early, for I am not sure what time I will be on here--when the you know what hits the fan, and the hash gets slung!!!!!!!!! So, read a book, all you Dizzy Queens! Because if you have NOT, after I am done with you tomorrow, you will wish you HAD!!!!!!!!!

Talk to you tomorrow, girls! BLAST OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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