Saturday, September 11, 2010

Can You Believe It Has Been Nine Years, Darlings?????????????

It seems like only yesterday, girls, that our city changed forever. In the wake of what happened on this day, the world stopped--even ANNA--and watched and mourned. The baby boomer generation, mine, now adds this date to November 22" as part of the litany, "Where were you when you heard.......?" Better than that Bush's embarassing and still oft recollected quote, "Is our children learning???" Yes, sweethearts; he said it on THIS day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you read this, loves, you know how cutting edege I can be. Well, after finishing Mr. Franzen's "Freedom," which places partial repsonsibility of our remembrance of this day on Haliburton (and I agree!!!!!!!!) I then turned to "Incendiary," the earlier novel by Chris Cleave, author of that staggering work, "Little Bee." It could not be more prescient--an epistolary letter from a wife/mother to "Osama" regarding her husband and son being eradicated in a terrorist attack at a sports stadium. If we don't learn, girls, history will keep repeating itself!!!!!!!!!!!

I call for a Memorial resembling the fallen tower shards that the firemen stood on, only replacing them with a statue of Meryl Streep, clad like the Columbia Pictures logo lady to show America the way it needs to go!!!!!!!!! Only then can such things be put to rest. Please, please do not destroy the Mosque or place a statue of Rosie O'Donnell on the Memorial, which is what America is just dumb enough to do!!!!!!!!!

But my girls who read this are NOT dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So on this somber day, remember how we must go forward and never repeat past mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And reember that this date is followed by tomorrow, which be explained subsequently!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kisses, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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