Saturday, September 11, 2010

Darlings, What A Day We Had Yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, to be as FABULOUS as I is no easy task, and sometimes it is just downright exhausting. Yesterday, loves, ran the emotional gamut from Torture to Torah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First, we arose early to finish the last 80 pages of Joanthan Franzen's latest opus, "Freedom." Darlings, the reaciton of this book is SO orgasmic, and the last sentence is a stunner. This is without doubt the Book of the Year and beyond. And honey, I am telling you, the role of Patty was made for Laura Linney. It could net her an Oscar. It is a more filmable book than "The Corrections," and different in style and tone. But Framzem's plethora of ideas--his anti-corporation stance, his disenchantment with techology and how it has dumbed down our culure--are right in line with MINE, lambs!!!!!!!!! This is the Voice Of An Entire Generation--mine!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, from this high we went straight into anxiety mode. First, I get some strange phone call about taxes on property I own in Arizona!!!!! You think I own property, loves???? IF I even did, it sure as hell would not be in Arizona. I would own in New Jersey before I thought of Arizona!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never even BEEN to Arizona, and don't give a hoot if I get there!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course we were terrified of the dentist, and put Monsieur Davide through SO much, that we are going to be extra nice to him this weekend. I had what is called a "deep cleaning!!!!" Sweeties, I prefer Deep Throat myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The procedure lasted 50 minutes, but felt longer, and then the bill!!!!!!!! But I can tell that side of my mouth is clean. In 12 days, with Monsieur Davide, I return for the other side, BUT at least now I know what I am in for!!!!!!! And that this time it will be over, and hopefully subsequent cleanings will not be that deep!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing I want to go deep is........well, maybe a deep dish apple pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we met Monsieur Davide's version of The Girls at Manatus for noshing and bitching. In my condition, it was a wonder I could walk, but at least I had St. Anna of Wintour on my shirt lapel to protect me. That is right, girls, Anna Wintour is the Patron Saint of Fashion. I bet she will be cannonized. Unlike that cheap dye job convicted felon Miss Martha Stewart, of working class Nutley, New Jersey. You heard me, girls!!!!! If she had been from MY town, she probably would have come from Goat Alley. Only she would never have succeeded as she did, becasue NO ONE from Goat Alley has ever gone anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!

From Manatus, we sprang onto Bleecker Street, and the fashion scene!!!!! Girls, you should have seen the lights, the clothes, the models. With my Anna button, you can bet everyone looked at me as though I were representing her, which I was!!!!!! At one point, we thought we saw Anna herself flashing by in a limo! I was ready to fall on my knees!!!!!!!!!!!! But we had to pick ourselves up and get to Westbeth, where we had a lovely Temple service for Rosh Hashanah. But where were Steve and Eydie??????????? Honey, let me tell you, with Madame Barbara's cantorial voice, we NEEDED Edyie badly! "Blame It On The Bossa Nova!!!!!!!"

I want you to know by service's end, I was physically and emotionally exhausted, being in a very fragile condition. So fragile that when we got home, Monsieur Davide would not let me don ANYTHING--no reading, no "Law and Order," just bed and sleep! But sometimes he is wiser than I, because this morning I feel strong and alert enough to do this blog, my mouth feels better, and tonight we will do somethibng romantic and sleep in. So there is a silver lining, girls!!!!!!!!!!

Now if I could only get a fur lining in my winter coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all, darlings! La Haba Shana La Toya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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