Thursday, September 9, 2010

Girls. This Week We Have One Extreme Bitch!!!!!!!!!!

Extremism of any kind is dangerous, darlings, and I know a thing about it, from years in New York, having to deal with Vicious Opera Queens. They are like the witches in "Macbeth," only they don't speak as lyrically!!!!!!! But the winner this week is, and yes, girls, there are such things out there, even more dangerous than the VOQ's. See what happens when you step outside New York??????

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is the Reverend Terry Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reverend Jones happens to be pastor of a bogus church in Gainesville, Florida (you might know it would be in Florida!!!!!!!!!!) known as the Dove World Outreach Church!!!!! Reach this, bitch!!!!!!! I am SO insulted by having this outfit named after the Beauty Bar that I use, darlings!!!!!!!!! Bet he does not advocate the color pink, and you can bet he does not cream your skin. Hell, Jones claims to be 58when he looks closer to 75!!! His beard is scraggly, and he does not look like someone who takes a bath. I have seen more together folk in nursing homes! Maybe that is where he should be. Or, more likely, a psychiatric facility, because this idea of his to burn the Koran on September 11, just two days away, is at best insane, at worst will trigger mass hysteria and hatred not only nationwide, but especially at Ground Zero in NYC, what with all the services that day, and the Mosque controversey.

Girls, I have a better idea--let's burn Jones!!!!! Well, not really burn him, just light some matches between his toes, to make him sweat. Or hold an acetylene torch to the tip of his testicles, which will hit this hypocirtical pussyhound where he REALLY lives. I am telling you, they knew what they were doing in Salem back in 1692, and Jones is a prime example of someone who would have been raked over coals!!!!!!! Or better yet, toss him into Henrietta Hudson's on Saturday night, and lock the door, and see what is left the next morning!!!!!!!!!!

You can bet, loves, the Virgin Mary and Meryl are conferencing on this one. I would not be surprised if one steps in to take some action. Just whom at this point is anyone's guess, but Meryl does happen to be on earth already, which does give her some advantage. Meantime, girls, if any of you have religious aspirations, remember it is no excuse NOT to look fabulous. I mean, if Audrey Hepburn could pull it off, so can you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all my flaming darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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