Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Darlings, It Is A Wonder I Can Talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you recall, girls, last week I recounted my spiritual vision of Rue McClanahan!!!! Well, today, I had an earthly vision. There I was out on the Esplanade of Amsterdam Avenue, for my coffee break, and who should I see walking towards me--this was not a mirage, loves!--but those two doyennes of society, the Misses Janice and Annette. Janice was looking very Slim Keith, and Annette, as always, rather Audrey Hepburnish. They were just strolling the thoroughfare, giving the neighborhood a much needed and favored glimpse of them. I am telling you, if it had been sunny out instead of rainy, I would have fallen completely to my knees!!!!!!!!!!!! I have palpitations right this minute just writing about it.

Let this be the indication of miraculous workings, girls!!!!! I feel truly blessed and inspired by the presence of these social oracles! And NO ONE is having more fun than Janice, you had better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish we could all have as much fun, girls! Or lunch with Anna, at least!
Meantime, we have been graced in a week with the presence of two visions. One can only hope the future looks bright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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