Thursday, September 30, 2010

Darlings, Today We Have Two Bitches For The Price Of One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, as Dinah said, and once again I have to cite her, "what a difference a day makes!" Yesterday, I was suffering blog block over not having anything to write about, but had a bitch in place for today, and then all of a sudden come two for the price of one. Actually, this story is very interesting; it harkens back to my New Jersey past. But before I go further, let me single out our winners.

The WINNERS of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week awards are Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But let me backtrack. Several nights ago, I got home, and found a message on my machine from Karl, the son of one of my mother's friends. Karl is eight years my senior, and when I was still living in Jersey, he and I had a friendshp. Well, darlings, I escaped to New York--more on that, later--and while we did not keep in close touch, we always were aware of the other. Last September 3, Karl's mother passed on, and out of deference one of the better (yes, dears, there WERE those!_) I made a condolence call, offering my sympathy and support, stating if he needed to talk to me he could, and giving my number. Time went by, life went on, and that was that--I thought. The other night, a year or more later, Karl called. Seemed he had misplaced my number, wondered about me, and called. I could not return his call that ngiht, as it was after eleven, but when he called again the second night, I knew I had to.

So I did, and we talked, catching up on stuff, me offering support, etc. The most televant thing here was that I could tell, by how Karl talked, he had NO idea, even NOW, that I was gay!!!!!! At one point he actually asked me, "So, you never found a girlfriend?" and when I heard that I KNEW he did not know. This was my opportunity to present myself, but for some reason I thought it wasn't the right time. What is even more interesting--and we are closing in on the matter of this blog--he mentioned an incident--a suicide at Rutgers University (a place with which I have issues) stemming from a student being taped during a sexual encounter, and having it streamlined on YouTube or some such thing. What Karl did NOT tell me, and what I did NOT find out until this morning, is that the encounter taped was a HOMOSEXUAL one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These two scum, Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei (and it was probably Molly's idea; bitches in their teens and twenties are the WORST!!!!) installed a camcorder in Molly's room that could see into Dharun's, and taped Tyler Clementi, having sex with a male student. Dharun happened to be Tyler's roommate. They then went on to streamline it online, for all to see. Now, the other person with whom Tyler was having sex was not mentioned or has been heard from, but on September 29, Tyler drove into NYC, stopped alongside the GW Bridge, left his wallet on the sidewalk, and jumped!!!!!!!!

Which is why Ravi and Wei are this week's Bitch(es) Of The Week!!!!! They drove this kid to suicide!!!!! They are his muderers, and for such they should be executed!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is said if convicted--of privacy invasion--they face up to five years in state prison!!!! What about being charged with murder??? And I will tell you something, it was probably Molly Wei's idea to do it, because young women at this age are the worst!!!!!!!! As far as I am concerened Ravi and Wei will be known as The Murderers. I would like to see Chris and Mariska rough handle them. I would like to see Tracy Pollan as Harper go after them with her 45 caliber Desert Eagle Super Blue. Hell, I might go after them, myself. And I am not through yet, because I have a few axes of my own to grind with Rutgers University and the state of New Jersey.

Of all the schools I ever applied to--and this includes some big places like Syracuse, U of Michigan, Boston U--Rutgers was the ONLY one to turn me down. I had an interview there, and I am convnced that I was rejected--despite my grades, activities, and because other classmates of mine not nearly as smart as I went there--because I was gay!!!!!!!! What is ironic is I ended up at Seton Hall, a Catholic institution, where you might expect I would not be treated well, but where I was treaated better than anywhere in elementary, junior or senior high school. So, what do you think of THAT, Rutgers University???? Go ahead, attack me on here, I DARE you!!!!

Hell, the whole state of New Jersey is repsonsible--a bunch of white trash cretins who are so phobic over anything--never mind homosexuality--that is outside their pathetic conventional norm--that they go after anyone for being an individual of any sort. I include some of my relatives under this rubrick as well, and I am not afraid to say so. Come after me, you fuckers!!!!!!!!! One time I had a therapist, who, hearing my story told me, "You did not fail New Jersey; New Jersey failed YOU!" It certainly did. In fact, I was driven out of that state becasue it would not accept me in any way. I had not option but to flee to New York, where so far I have managed to maintain myself. But when something like this happens, it triggers all those early negative experiences.

Tyler Clementi will not be forgotten. Because I am going to call LAMBDA and see that his murderers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And I am sick and tired of people who see technology as the answer to everything. I know so many MORONS who, if they awoke tomorrow, and there was no internet, texting or cell phone usage, would FREAK OUT!!!!!! Me, I would not give a shit, I would just get on with my life.

I don't think we have had two more EVIL bitches on here than Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei. Plainsboro suburban trash upstarts who thought it would be fun if they ruined someone's life. You just did not ruin someone's life, you bitches, you ENDED it!!!!!!!!!! I hope the same happens to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I am the bitch also this week, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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