Thursday, September 30, 2010

Girls, I Am Not Through Yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, as if I have not already said enough on the whole tragedy of Tyler Clementi, let me add a few things.

His death took place NOT on the 29th, but a week before on the 22nd.

He had reached out to a Gawker website, with no success.

The taping that triggered the suicide was the second one discovered.

What I want to know, girls, is, who or where is the student/man Tyler was having sex with? It takes two to tango, honey, so why has not he come forward????? Is it shame, or could it be complicity; that is, he was in on a set-up with Ravi and Wei to humiliate Tyler. Personally, until I hear differently, I am voting for this scenario.

The othet thing is that as much as I hope Ravi and Wei fry, they did not decide for Tyler to end his life. That was purely his decision, though this deed prompted it. Had it not happened, Tyler would still be with us. Which leads me to question what prompted so dire an act--shame? embarassemnt? all of the above? Was Tyler out to himself yet? Did his family know, or have an idea? Even I can tell you from that period of my life, I would not have wanted my being gay to be broadcast for all and sundry to see!!!!!!! If that's what I had wanted, I could have made a fortune as a William Higgins star. Tyler was obviously not interested in that.

And what of the parents of Ravi and Wei? How much culpability should they share? Couldn't they teach their children better behavior? Apparently not. What they have singlehandedly done is cast a blight on so much--their parents, their school, their home state, the straight community--that they should be socially excommuncated from society till what time if any they are deemed fit for it. That or public execution. They publicized Tyler, so let them go by their own device.

It could only have happened in New Jersey, girls!!!!!!!!!! Snooki, The Situation, this, it is all TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved Olivia on last night's SVU, when she collared the rapist and said, "Now, you're MY bitch!!!!!!!!!"

Dharun and Molly, you are MY bitches, and you will be dragged down dead like the skanks you are. Somehow, some way, I will to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rot in HELL, scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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