Friday, October 1, 2010

Darlings, Where Is Our Sense Of Community Unity???????

Girls, you have already heard me on Tyler Clementi, New Jersey, Rutgers University, homophobic relations, and all the ill bred things such behavior can result in, most especially the suicide of a sweet looking, artistically promising young man. I am here to personally say that, as far as The Raving Queen is concerned, Tyler will NOT be forgottten.

But we need to examine some things more closely. For instance, who and where is/are the man/men Tyler was involved with. There were obviously no issues on those quarters being photographed, as no other Rutgers related suicide has been reported, so apparently this person has no problem with being photographed. Why has he gone into such deep hiding? Is he ashamed because of his henceforward connection to a major tragedy, is he homophobic or homofearful himself, or, as I opine, was he in on the whole thing, as a set up?

And isn't it interesting that Tyler's perpetrators, Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei are so-called minority students, who, at least in an historical sense, should have some sense of cultural social discrimination, so what is going on there? And why has no one in the media, save The Raving Queen, questioned this?

How about Tyler? We know that his father was a water department worker, and his mother, a nurse. So when I read that they had no awareness that their son was gay, I believe it. But did anyone? What about Tyler's two older brothers? What about relatives? Was there any invasive homophobia from within? It can happen. Believe me, I know.

Please understand I do not blame the Clementis. My heart and soul go out to them all. It is just a scenario needs to be created in order to understamd what compelled Tyler to do what he did. What I see is a kid who from day one knew nothing but acceptance within his family and community. Then he moves beyoond, and when confronted with persecution for the first time, is not able to handle it. And it was the vilest, most invasive type of persecution. Tyler was clearly not ready to declare himself a member of the gay community, and this was no way to get him out into the open. If he had lived, it might even have driven him further back in.

But the damage was done. And in the wake of it, while I know there must be balance, and everyone entitled to an opinion, I cannot condone Jessica Bennett in "Newseek" inferring this was just a prank gone wrong; that the perps were just kidding around. I cannot condone those who say that Ravi and Wei did NOT committ a hate crime. And I will not toleerate anyone who disagrees with me that these two should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and that means more than five years in prison. As for those who would use what I call the "Jenny Brandt" defense, that the perps did not understand the conseuqences of their actions, I would say, bitches, what planet are YOU on? They were EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD, for Christ's sake; they were post-puberty, they damn well knew what they were doing. I further contend that Ravi, who knew Tyler better, by association, knew he was a vulnerable person, in a fragile state, and yet he went ahead and did what resulted in a loss of life. This is what makes it more than an invasion of privacy; Ravi's knowledge of Tyler's fragility makes him and Molly murderous predators. And they must be stopped before they kill again. Because, if they walk, they will go on doing variations of the same, thinking it was OK this time, it will be so in the future. And this is why those opinions contrary to mine are SO dangerous.

I want you to think about what it was like for Tyler. I am going to put you right now in his mindset. An eighteen year old boy from a loving, sheltering family in suburban New Jersey, with great artistic sensitivity and gifts. A genuinely bright,likable kid, willing to help anyone, who, apparently, was spared the bullying that some of us suffer during our first twelve school years.

So stew on that, lambs, till you hear further from me! These bitches will be outed for the scum they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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