Saturday, October 2, 2010

It Just Keeps Getting Better, Girls!!!!! And That Is NOT A Compliment!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, now the wolves are out to discredit sweet, gentle, Tyler Clementi for their own homophobic agendas. But let us get back to his mindset.

Tyler very likely had never experienced persecutory behavioe during his formative years, which is fortunate. But when confronted with it at college--especially in the heinous and repetitive way it was done--he could NOT handle it. He could not handle his family finding out. With a surname like Clementi, his features, and having been from New Jersey, it's a safe bet to say Tyler was Italian and Catholic, and let me tell you from personal experience, honey, Roman Catholicism has the monopoly, like no other faith, for piling on sexual guilt and hangups to its congregants. Which is why the priesthood is in the shambles it is in today. But let's get back to Tyler. Such a sense of overwhelming guilt, coupled with a sense of betrayal and loss of safety in an environment he was thought to be safe in,
and an inability, through lack of life experience, to see beyond this time in life, to one when it WOULD pass (which is the point of Dan Savage's commendable "It Gets Better" project) congealed together in Tyler's mind to where he could see nothing but a thick fog with no way out, save the tragic option he took. He reached out to his Resident Advisor, he reached out to like minded gays via the Internet. But no aid was forthcoming.

As if this were not enough, girls, can you belive someone has set up a Facebook page to DEFEND Molly Wei?????? Her behavior is indefensible in the wake of these results. And what kind of rag is FORBES--all of a sudden, they get info (and how, I wonder, or does it actually exist) on Tyler himself posting pics/videos of him masturbating? Even if he did, what of it???? He did so on a site with presumably people of like minded orientation, unlike the people Ravi showed Tyler's liason to, who would choose to mock him for such a thing????? And of course the bastard attorneys dfending these scum will use this in their defense. But it does NOT play!!!!!! Even if Tyler posted such things himself, first, it was HIS choice, and second, and most importantly, he was reaching out to like minded people because
he had sense enough to know that he would find acceptability there, and not from phobic straight assholes like Davi and Wei.

I would like to go on here and say that, for all the tributes, which are by the students, to their credit, the Rutgers Administration is covering up something. Why didn't the RA go to security as soon as Tyler said something. So help me, God, in the sacred name of Angela Davis, I am going to bring down thse and ALL homophobes, and the pervasive EVIL that is Facebook, Twitter and the like. Iam going to take you bastards DOWN, starting with what I say on here. And if any of my white trash relatives dare to confront me, I will come back at them for 30 plus years of stuff I have held in, including what one of their fathers (who now burns in HELL) did to me.

Are you getting me, darlings???? The culturally induced suicide of Tyler Clementi has unleashed things in me to a point where I will NOT keep quiet.

Now I have something to say to those members of the community who have the audacity to be Republicans, or to those dizzy party queens who think life is just a joke!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! By ignoring the issue, by not acknowledging it, you are condoning the circumstances that led to Tyler's death. YOU are just as guilty, then, as Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei!!!!!!!! And so help me, if any of you come after me, here or elsewhere, I will have your asses in a sling, and not in a way that will get you off!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, it is time for us to get off our butts and stop further Clementi incidents. Because you can bet if there are no accountable reprecussions from this one, there will most definitely be more!!!!!!!!!!

I know I can count on all my girls out there, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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