Sunday, October 3, 2010

Darlings, We Are Expecting A Spiritual Visitation From Rue McClanahan!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, you know how the sun fell out of the sky one day at Fatima??? Well, I am predicting that at tonight's rally in Washington Square Park for Tyler Clementi and the other gays who have been driven to suicide, at some point in the sky, there will be a dazzling array of light, and the rays will poue fourth, and suddenly will emerge the image of Rue McClanahan in one of her Blanche motifs to give the crowd a message calling for human understanding in the wake of Tyler Clementi's and others' senseless deaths. I am thinking we should drag that cute waiter from Paris Commune, to show the way that it is possible to find fulfillment--uhmn yeah!--as a gay man in New York.

If those sick, twisted bastards who did this ti Tyler, get off, I will see that justice is meted. If Rutgers administration is not held accountable, I will harass them till they beg me to stop. Do you hear me?????

Of course all this depends on how this entire drama plays out. At this point, we are just a fraction into the first act, so no one can predict how things will actually turn out. But it had better be for the better, AND justice for Tyler and his family!!!!!!

I am calling on all my girls to heed the spiritual message that Rue will deliver tonight. I want you to pray to Tyler, letting him know he was loved, and his memory will be honored. And that in the afterlife he finds not only peace but the strength to deal with what he was unable to here.

And that Darvi and Wei, no matter what the outcome, burn in HELL!!!! They will NEVER be completely free of this for the rest of their lives, which is a start; now let us see the legal system do something right for a change.

I want to see all my girls there tonight crying out for the blood that flows beneath our feet. And I know you will be fashion coordinated!!!!!!!

Justice For Tyler, lambs!!!!!!!

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