Monday, October 4, 2010

Darlings, We Must Heed The Spiritual lMessage Of Rue and Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, the turnout for the Washington Square "You Are Loved" vigil was gratifying to staight and gay folk alike. And I can attest, darlings, that at the crucial point, a halo of light enveloped the top of the Washington Square arch, and out stepped the glamorouos visionary spirit figure of Rue McClanahan to let us know how appalled she is by this senseless act, and how she wants us to heal at our most glamorous.

Let me say a few words here, girls, in relation to Tyler, whose death has affected me in a very personal way. You know my spititual attachments, girls, what with "The Song of Bernadette" and Jennifer Jones. So I firmly believe that young Tyler is now at peace somewhere, playing his violin as the star of his own concert program, shining forth the light of his experience, by looking out on the earthly world, watching out for potential future Tylers, and mouthing to them from Beyond, "Hey, guys, don't make the mistake I did." If anything is to come out of Tyler's death, it is THIS. So I want all you potential Tylers out there to do something--Listen to him! Listen to what Tyler Clementi is saying to you, and what he says to all of us. Let Tyler point the way towards you living for yorselves a life he was unable to live. Much as I want to see his perps get accountability in some form, demonizing does not serve a purpose, does nothing for Tyler. If you want to honor Tyler Clementi, get out there and live the longer life he should have had.

Who knows? Perhaps in some hereafter, we will get a chance to tell Tyler how much he was loved and honored ourselves. But utnil that time, if any, do for yourselves what he was unable; do for yourselves what I am sure he now wishes he could do; do it for him, and most of all do it for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT is the message of Tyler and Rue!!!!!! AND The Ravng Queen, who will only add to make sure you look your best at all times!!!! VOGUE, not K-Mart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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