Thursday, September 16, 2010

Darlings, This Bitch Needs To Beat It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to confess, girls, it was looking bad this morning, as by 9am I absolutely had NO bitch for this week!!!!! Several fictititious candidates had been mulled over, but real bitches are so much more fun because they are out there, and can be more appreciative of the honor than the fictitious--unless tha latter was a film character embodied by an actress, in which case, the actress, is still living, would be thrilled. Too bad Judith Anderson has been dead for years--she would LOVE being named for playing Mrs. Danvers!!!!!!!!!

Our winner this week is worthy of a good slap in the face from Mrs. D, were she around. This week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award goes to....Delaware's Republican (of course!) Senate Primary Winner, Christine O' Donnell.

Where do I start? This hypocritical Tea Partyer is of Irish descent, so right away she gives those of us who are--like yours truly, darlings--a bad name! With her negative stances on abortion and--OMG!!!!!!!--masturbation, she is a throwback to the stereotyped notions of Irish sexual hangups--the Irish have sex ONLY to have children, they have it but don't TALK about it, a woman does NOT enjoy it, an Irish woman is paralyzed from the neck down--honey, it just never stops, and when you have someone in office taking such a stance, well, before you know it, we will have those Magdalene asylums resurected. Wonder if Christine advocates those???? My guess is she would, because when it comes to being offensive to others female Tea Partyers towards their own sex are some of the worst. Though there is another 0'Donnell I cannot stand--Rosie the Riveter--she needs to give Christine a good belt in the mouth, which I am sure she could go. I certainly despise Rosie for being White Trash, but philosophically she has more sense than her classier clad counterpart, Christine. Yes, girls, with her smiling, wholesome appearance and power suited careerism that smacks of sexual hypocrisy, Christine 0'Donnell is a perfect candidate for Bitch Of The Week. With her in office, Delaware's population could very well shrink to below that of Rhode Island's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing we need to shrink is our dress size, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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