Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Girls, Can You Believe It Is The Middle Of The Month???????????

Darlings, seems like yesterday I was singing "Picnic" and "See You In September," and here we are halfway through. Let me note two things from yesterday--the release of Patti LuPone's book, "Patti LuPone, A Memoir," and, lambs, if you think I am a bitch on here, I cannot WAIT to hear some of Patti's bitchy backstage stories. From my own limited experience, I know the theateer has more bitches per capita than any other, except maybe lawyers!!!!!!! I am sure Miss Patti is going to grind Mr. Lloyd "Troll" Webber into the ground, like the Rumpelstilskin he is!!!!!!!!! Hats off to Patti, loves, who at her best, can outdo this bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now a dark tidbit from MY childhood. Yesterday was the 88th anniversary of the most notorious crime prior to the Lindebergh kidnapping--the Hall-Mills Murder. On September 14, 1922, the Rev. Hall and Mrs. Mills, who had been having adulterous relations for awhile, were shot and cut, their bodies found two days later, placed side by side beneath the nation's most notorious crabapple tree, which was soon gone by those hungering for a sordid collection memento. All this took place about 15 mintues from where I grew up, in Highland Park, New Jersey. The victims and possibly the perps (whom my paternal grandmother, and I, were convinced were Mrs. Hall and her two brothers, who were acquitted due to weatlthy family connections--ie; Johson and Johnson) were residents of New Brunswick in Middlesex County, but the murder site was in Somerset County, so a media frenzy ensued. It is said that there is even some reference to this incident at the end of Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby;" I may have to read that again, girls, just to glean that. A then up and coming attorney, William Kuntsler, published in 1964 the definitive chronicling of the crime, "The Minister And The Choir Singer," though his theory of culpablility is pure hogwash and kissing up to New Burnswick (where he was attending Rutgers Law School) officials. It is a mystery to me why this has never been dramatized. For many, it is a footnote in crime history, but, when you grew up, as I, hearing about it all the time, and seeing it profiled annually in the local rag, it seeps into your consciousness. Now, of course, whodunnit may never be solved but my certainity tells me it was the aforementioned, just as it tells me to this day that it was Patsy who killed daughter JonBenet. But that is another story, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

Just six days of summer left, and then Prosperina goes back to Hell!!!!! Don't you go following after her, girls! We have galas, openings, book signings, fashion and more coming up this season. So stay tuned, loves and prioritize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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