Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Girls, I Have Had It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, last night we were on the aisle at the Royale Theatre for "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson," which is such a bloody mess I do not know where to begin. How much longer are we going to be subjected to these scoreless shows devoid of music, feeling, and filled with choreography that involves young people jumping up and down and sexually posturing? Even in burlesque they had more class.

Of course, the REAL story is why Mamie Gummer, daughter of the Divine La Streep, who appeared in this show downtown at the Public, did not transfer to Broadway with the cast? I mean, a chance to play Broadway in what, despire what I have beens aying so far, looks to be a hit, and she turns it down???? I wonder if Mamma Meryl cornered her for some Girl Talk, and told Mamie not to do this pretentious piece of crap????? Or MAYBE, just MAYBE, the stork is circling overhead???? Because I just found out Mamie hapeens to be engaged to the show's star, Benjamin Walker!!!!! Hope Meryl has been counseling Mamie in the sex department. What if Mamie had to drop out because she is preganat????? Now, I don't have this info for sure, so at this point it is theory and conjecture, but it would explain why Mamie is not on board with the Broadway company.

Honey, it's not "HAIR!" Though it tries its darndest to be, from staging to costumes, to politcal stance. Listen, kids, I am a Baby Boomer; I was there when "HAIR" happened. I get THIS show. I even agree with it, philosophically. I just do not like the one it is executed. More pointed, I do not like the formless, shapeless sounds it calls music that are thrown at us. Not much different from "American Idiot" (but thankfully not as loud) or that overrated garbage called "Spring Awakening," which had the nerve to win a Tony award.

Let me tell you, few things are as vicous as a Disgrunteled Theatre Queen, and this queen has HAD it with gimmicky rock based MTV shows on Broadway. Though I still say it is just a phase--like Britain, like Disney. This too shall pass--but let's hurry up alredy, huh????? Meanwhile, most of the crowd seemed to be eating it up, and the giggly Sex And The City wannabes behind us were laughing it up like they were seeing Noel Coward, whom they would not recognize if it was placed in front of them.

The post theater dinner, at Johnny Shanghai, was better than the show. And you would not believe the people beaating each other to the exits at the end of the show. One of the longest 90 minutes I have sat through. The 12 hours I spent on Sunday watching the 'SVU' marathon moved faster than this.

Now, let's get back to personal matters. So Mamie is engaged to Benjamin, huh?
Pretty sweet deal for the guy--you marry Mamie's daughter, and your career skyrockets!!!!!! Is it true love, or just a career boost? How can Mamie be sure??? In this sense she is in a rather vulnerable position, and I am sure Meryl has told her to watch out. But as star turning as Walker's turn in the show was, he does not seem like a world beater as an actress, so even if he and Mamie tie the knot, if things go south, you can bet his career will, too. At leat Gwyneth married a rocker, who was certainly not going to compete with Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!!! And whose career in his own field was secure enough that he did not need to use her as a springboard.

The bottom line, girls, is that we wish Mamie well, hope Meryl keeps an eye out--damn straight she will!!!!!!!!--and that musing on all this kept our mind from not numbing out during this otherwise numbing show.

May all our trips to or down the aisle be positive than this!!!!!!!!!

Toodles, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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