Thursday, September 23, 2010

Girls, It Just Doesn't Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, you have to feel a bit sorry for poor Joanthan Franzen. He writes the most outstanding book of the year, yet there are bozos out there who just can't seem to take it. For the second time this year, another anti-Franzenite, Mr. B.R. Meyers (the initals supposedly stand for Brian Reynolds, but I think they should be B.S. for Bull Shit!!!) has been awarded this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

Mr. Reynolds fancies himself an academic, so much so, that, unable to get a job in the States, he has to fly over to....Korea????? What about London, or Paris, or Rome???? I mean, even Dublin; come on!!!!!!! He is also a contributing editor to The Atlantic (Monthly) and in the current issue he reviews Mr. Franzen's noteworthy book, "Freedom." His is one of the few negative reviews the book has gotten.

Now, darlings, even though I am always right, I cannot stop others from expressing opinions I disagree with. At least, not yet; but I am working on it. So the fact that Meyers reveiws the book disparagingly is not what bothers me. It is that, like his less erudite fellow writer Jennifer Weiner, he seems to review not the book, but Jonathan Franzen. Now, it is true that much of "Freedom" reflects Franzen's world view; any author's work inevitably does. It seems that Meyers, like Weiner, is so bent out of joint that ANYONE BORN IN AMERICA would DARE to express such a NEGATIVE world view as Franzen that they just can't take it, and go after him on it. I guess they don't want to admilt that America is as fucked up as Franzen is tellilng us it is; I knew that by age 20. Then, again, I was never a Republican, so maybe Weiner and Meyers are. It is certainly a Republican/TeaParty mentality to accept the world with contentment, not questioning the rotten shape we are in on every front, even the entertainment one, where the media glutted culture, instead of yielding more innovative work, yeilds dumbed down stuff that earns adulation from the even more dumbed down masses, whose outlook Weiner and Meyers embody. Someone once said truth tellers get killed, and I can attest; when I spoke out as a youth against my generation, you would have thought I was going to get crucified. Which I would have been if my posturings had reached the national level of Franzen's. And you want to know something???? I would have said "Bring it on; I LOVE it!!!!!!!!" I will take on every White Trash American moron that I have had to deal with from kindergarten on up. And Jonathan Franzen, being SO in the public eye, is coming into this treatment simply for daring to speak the truth. Or what he sees as the truth, which is what I see, because it IS the truth. But even if it isn't, few seem to go after Weiner and Meyers for their views; oh, no, everyone goes after Jonathan Franzen!!!!!!!

I say to Hell with all you gun totin' Republican based Tea Party spoouting morons!!!!! Shove a dildo up your asses, and unclog your brains!!!!! It seems B.R. Meyers brain is very clogged, so go back to Korea and have your Saki and your Cho Cho San. The heat is on in Saigon for you, darling!!!!!!! This bitch scorns YOU, you bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

But being a bitch is SUCH fun, girls, as we all know. So you have to hand it to Meyers for being our Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!! Now, will everyone please get off Jonathan Franzen's case, because neither his or my world view is going to change. And neither is the other side. So why don't you all just accept that and SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you at teatime, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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