Monday, September 6, 2010

Girls, Take Charge Of You Life, Like Harper!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am talking, of course, about Harper Anderson, the empowered rape victim , played by Emmy-winning Tracy Pollan in the 2,000 "Law and Order SVU" episodes, both entitled "Closure." Sweethearts, I am telling you, you do NOT mess with Harper, and I could tell even Elliot Stabler knew that!!!!! Harper is a victim's best advocate because she does not take crap from ANYONE. And she knows all too well, as you should girls that one cannot mete out Victims Advocate justice without looking FABULOUS!!!!!! So before you go out crsading, girls, make sure you look as stunning as Tracy Pollan as Harper!!!!!!

And a Happy Labor Day to everyone!!!!! Today, it is about babies, not boobies, as we are off to Audrey's to a baby naming ceremony!!!! I am sure it will be quite a turnout--even Cousin Manny!!!! And we just LOVE Cousin Manny, lambs

We are also nearing the halfway mark in Jonathan Franzen's "Freedom," which just keeps getting better and better with each page. We are also looking forward to his New York appearances, at which respect will be accorded this great literary artist.

And speaking of respect, I have to put myself together for the soiree. So bye by to summer, girls, hello to g=autumn, and stay empowered, like Harper!!!!!!

BANG!!!!!! BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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