Sunday, September 5, 2010

Girls, We Feel Just Like Mrs. Potts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, it is Labor Day Weekend! On a picnic morning, without a warning, I am telling you!!! So far, girls, it has been FABULOUS!!!!!!!! We saw the classic "The Tingler" yesterday, with Vincent Price, the Magnificent Judith Evelyn, flying skeletons, butt buzzing seats, and images awash in LSD psychedelics. Hoe=ney, when Judith arises from the grave, there has not been so much fun since I can remember!!!!!

A walk through Little Italy last eve made me nostalgic to sit underneath a restaurant outdoors late at night, and have some wine!!!!! Which we are going to do, loves!!!!!!!!! Maybe next weekend. THIS weekend is all about relaxing with Monsieur Davide, Jonathan Franzen, Harper Anderson, and Audrey's baby-naming ceremony. Maybe Cousin Manny will be there! We LOVE Cousin Manny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And let me tell you--that Jonathan Franzen is not afraid to take on anyone or anything. The two things destroying this society is technology and obese lesbians with overly developed senses of self-importance (like the one encounteted at the Film Forum yesterday, though she was more ugly than overweight)who fancy themselves technological gurus of some sort, when in fact they are dumber than shit, or at least as dumb as those Goat Alley morons I was forced to go through school with!!!!
Listen, if the Internet, cell phones, etc. vanished tomorrow, do you think I would be done in!!!!!! Of course not--I would just go back to pen and paper, and maybe mount a soapbox at the LGBT Community Center!!!!! But others described here would be physically and emotionally paralyzed, well too bad for them!!!! What matters is Mr. Coffee and the coffee maker! Now THAT is something we cannot live without!!!!

See how Jonathan Franzen inspires us girls to write and to think???? And didn't I tell you Lauren Weisberger's hair would amount to another book published. Sweeties, just wait till I hit the presses; I can't wait to take on the backlash I will recieve from all the morons and boobs I will criticize!!!!!!!!

But I won't criticize my girls, honey!!!!!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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