Saturday, October 30, 2010

Darlings, Back In 1980, We All Wanted To Wear Marcie's Panties!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am talking about the brilliance of Jeannine Taylor as Marcie Cunningham in "Friday The 13th!" Her memorable axe in the head after running about in panties, following her brilliant impersonation of Katherine Hepburn in "The Rainmaker" is one spot where this film demonstrates how truly groundbreaking it was. At last night's screening, I was so vividly brought back to that time in 1980 when this film was like nothing having gone before that when I got home last night I was checking my drawer to see if I had any panties like Marcie's!!!!!!!!!! And while Miss Taylor did not go on to other things--of the counselors, only a baby faced Kevin Bacon did--her Marcie will live on as one of the classic moments in this classic film.

Darlings, I cannot believe it has been 30 years since I first saw this on the screen. And while I have certainly watched it enough in the intervening years, on VHS and DVD, nothing can beat seeing it on the screen, which it was so good to do last night at the Chelsea, hosted by the fabulous Hedda Lettuce!!!!! The atmosphere of blackness in which it begins, with the sudden appearance of the clouded full moon, and the camera panning down to reveal time and place, demonstrated the artistry of these filmmakers, however low a budget they were working with at the time. And I can tell you, lambs, I have been to the film's locales, and they still look the same today!!!!! I have done Annie's mill walk, you better believe it.

But when all is said and done, the two most contributory factors to this film are Harry Manfredini, with his "killkillkillkill" score, and Betsy Palmer in her now iconic role as Mrs. Voorhees, a role, believe me, girls, she did not realize at the time would be iconic!!!!!!! I am telling you, when that jeep pulled up, and out she stepped in that white fisherman's sweater, the crowd went wild!!!!!!!!! And when she went into her spectacular and outrageously schizoid monologue, "Kill her, Mommy; kill her!", I erupted into peals of loving laughter. Unlike the unloving peals of laughter I let loose with in third grade, when that old bat, Mrs. Bergen, tripped over Patti Aldi!!!!!!!!!!! Now, THAT was a hoot!!!!!!!!!

Monsieur Davide was on hand with me to share in this delightful merriment, which could not be a better kickoff for Halloween. Would you believe, girl, that this film and Meryl Streep are what my home state of Jersey is famous for??? Imagine if Meryl were to play Mrs. Voorhees in a future film? She is the only one outside of Betsy who could!!!!!

There is nothing like the splendors and pleasures of a true masterpiece. And when you add outrageous laugh=gs, and a head that literally rolls, it can't be beat!!!! Too bad all my girls could not be with me to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this film. This Cinderella was so tired when I got home I could not stay awake for 'SVU'. Even with Chris Meloni!!!! But I would not have missed it for the world, loves!!!!!!!

Hope to see you there in another 30 years, darlings!!!!!!!!

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