Friday, October 29, 2010

Darlings, No Matter How You Spell It, It Is Still SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I have just found out some things further related to Tyler Clemeti's perps, which shows how truly evil they are. Apparently, the big factor in their departure from Rutgers was not shame or humility, but to avoid a disciplinary hearing!!!!!!!!!! Well, they may be able to squirm out of that but there are some other legal matters that may not be as easy to squirm out of!!!!!!!!!!

Sources tell me Ravi is going to or has already transferred to another school. In any case, if he is smart, he will enroll online under an assumed alias, because no one in their right mind would take him. But you would not believe the gall of that bitch, Molly Wei. Little Miss Slant Eyed Slattern says she fears for her safety; she who has cried no tears for anyone but herself. Stop playing the victim, doll, and own up to what you did!!!!!!!! You had your chance not to be vilified by making an effort to get Ravi to stop, but did you??? Oh, no, you went right along with his ruse to persecute Tyler, and look what happened........MURDERESS!!!!!!!!!
So don't be crying victim because no one gives a hoot about you when you never gave one about Tyler. Then she says she is going somewhere else. Same thing goes for her--except for online, who would have her??? THEN she has the gall to say she wants to come back to Rutgers, because she expects to be FULLY EXONERATED!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah??????????? The arrogance of this homophobic bitch and her co-conspirator is not to be believed. Obviously there was no parental control during the sorry period known as their upbringings. Lock the door and throw away the key on these two, they are beyond redemption, they are beyond contempt!!!!!!!!!!!

As one wag said, they should be met with pitchforks everywhere they go, until justice is meted out. Darlings, they are going to be greeted wtih pitchforks in the Next Life, and not by Hot Stuff, the Little Devil, or his cousin, Gas Flame!!!!!!!!!!
As I said, this is pure evil in its essence and when you spell it, it is still SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing, lambs, to do with scum is to wipe it off, just like we wipe the lipstick from our mouths every night before going to bed!!!!!!!!!

Clean kisses to all my girls, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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