Friday, October 29, 2010

Darlings, This Is Going To Be A Weekend Of Mother Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I want to wish you all a Happy Halloween, and to that effect I am kicking off my holiday this eve, when Monsieur Davide and I attend the Hedda Lettuce screening of the iconic classic "Friday The 13th, at the Chelsea, featuring, or course, Betsy Palmer in her most celebrated role as Mrs. Voorhees, a woman who will stop at nothing to preserve the love of her child!!!!!!!!!

To think we are doing this in the 30th anniversary of its unveiling. With its creepy, moonnlit atmosphere, that horndog Barry and slut Claudette, we just cannot wait to revisit this classic, filmed in a town I have come to know well--Blairstown, New Jersey. This film, and Meryl Streep, are what my home state is always going to be famous for.

And tomorrow evening, it is another anniversary screening at the Film Forum, with the 50th one of "Psycho." Cannot believe Hitchcock's masterwork is half a century old, and that I am old enough to remember when it first came out!!!! Of course my parents told me I was too young to see that, even though, after viewing that poster, I was just dying to be Janet Leigh in the bra and slip. No, girls, I did not advance to cross dressing, but ever since that initial viewing, thts of this film race through my mind whenever I take a shower!!!! But I don't let it stop me, because we have to look beautiful, loves, and I for one have GOT to preserve MY beauty!!!!!!!!!!!

What could be more beautiful, loves, than a mother's tender love for her child, and both these films exemplify such! Lord knows, if there is one thing I have it is a maternal heart; room enough for all God's creatures, especially the beautiful AND the financially well off!!!!!!!!

And that Mrs. Bates in "Psycho;" what a perv she is, saving her son from being a disgusted heterosexual, because she wants to have sex with him herself, and so does he!!!!!! Rober Bloch owes a lot to Tennessee Williams, who never went this far, I can tell you. But, remember, girls, this is Halloween, not Mother's Day, though you would never guess from this blog.

Hope to see my girls at all the festivities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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