Friday, October 29, 2010

Darlings, We Are Moving Slowly Towards Justice!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this round belongs to us!!!!! I have just found out that those two scumbags, Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei, who together murdered our beloved Tyler Clementi, have quit Rutgers University!!!!!! To me, lambs, this is a no-brainer, and something that should have happened a good deal sooner. But at least it has????
Why would they want to go back????? The media would hound them, and deservedly, so!!!!!!! Students and gay groups would all but throw stones at them, and you can bet I would be joining right in; if Shirley Jackson's "Lottery" or "The Kite Runner's" stoning was instituted for them, I am not sure I would stop it. And, of course, one has to wonder--how much pressure did upper ups at Rutgers bring to them on this situation????? Were they pointedly asked to leave???? If so, it is the first right step the University has taken since this awful incident exploded into our consciousness.

Being both a realist and a cynic, I am inclined to think there was a good deal more behind the situation than these simplistics. Though I am sure Rutgers at least welcomes their departure, not so much out of any moral high standards, but because it offers another opportunity for them to sweep this "white elephant" under the rug!!!!!!!

But they have not reckoned with The Raving Queen, darlings!!!! It is reported that one reason, especially in Wei's case, was fear for safety. Like, yeah??????????
You visually rape someone, it drives that person to suicide, and you want to play the victim???? Get outta here, you bitch!!!!! And she is a blatant bitch; Wei states that she will go somewhere else????? Again, yeah?????? Where????? This incident has become worldwide; even the Ayatollah, holing up in his Afghastani cave, or more than likely, his Jackson Heights or Jersey City co-op, knows who Tyler Clementi is, and what trasnpired, so how are these scumbags goint to enroll anywhere with the shadow that hangs over them???????? And with a Wikipedia entry on Tyler Clementi's suicide, it will hang around permanently. Hey, guys, the Internet that you used to destroy Tyler, can and WILL work against YOU, too, as you BOTH are about to find out. The best these two can hope for is online college enrollment under screen names, because I cannot imagine any self-respecting public institution, or private, of higher education, that would admit them, simply because their reps are going to follow them. I certainly would not want them at MY school???????

Hell, they wouldn't even be welcome now in Goat Alley, the white trash community within my hometown!!!!! They may be tramps and hoods, but they don't drive innocent children to suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, girls, let us breathe a sigh of pride, because, for now, at least, this round belongs to US!!!!!!!!! And may the subsequent rounds continue, as such!!!!!!! But The Raving Queen is on the beat, and we will not let up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May this minor victory bring some further peace to Tyler Clementi and his family!!!!!!!!!!!! We all want that, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all my girls who support me in this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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