Thursday, October 14, 2010

Darlings, Even For A Politician, This Is One Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, we all know lawyers and polticians, like corporation assholes, who helm the capitalist strings that unforutnately run America, are bottom feecders and scum. But our winner this week takes being such to new heights. The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Carl Paladino!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's start with the externals. The man may be Italian, but, God, is he ugly!!!!!! The sort who looks like he never bathes, probably has ear and nose hairs that need to be shaved, and is capable of giving a political speech on podium with undsiguised boogers hanging from his notril. Of course he is a Republican and Tea Partyer, which expalins why he knows so little about appearance; just like his female counterparts, who, while looking more presenatble, dress pretty much the same way, suggesting a classic Ira Levin Stepford Wife.

It is disgraceful that the man is a Baby Boomer--he was born in 1946, the year that boom began, and while its members are beginning to wind down into late middle and eventually old age, they have managed to demonstrate as I have said for nearly a quarter century that they were never adaquetly prepared for the adulthood they were raised for, or, rather, they were raised for an adulthood of entitlement, got something else, and still can't deal with it. (Of course there are exceptions like Jonathan Franzen, and thank God for him!) So that Paladino espouses opporutnisitc Amwerican greed and racism comes as no surprise; nor does his incipient homophobia, which is more glaring coming on the heels of the Tyler Clementi tragedy, and bringing his openly gay nephew into things, with said nephew at least having the guts to get pissed off at his uncle.

As a gay nephew myself, I know what it is to be treated homophobically by an uncle, which I have recounted on here, and which I will not forgive or forget anyone for, even after 32 years. I never got to get pissed off at him, though that I believe was done more wisely by my fathr, who tempered his words with justice, whereas mine would have been peppered with malice and vitriol. And at least one of his heirs had better watch their step where I and others in MY family are cncertned, because, darlings, I am capable of ripping the lid off things that will make "The Little Foxes" look like a situation comedy.

So I cannot think of a better choice this week for our current BOTW than Carl Paladino. Drink a glass of Montepuliciano for me, then toss the other in his face!!!!!!!!! He's got enough egg on it already to hang him politically; but, of course, if he wins, America is in worse shape than I thought it was.

Gettting back to "The Little Foxes" for a moment, which ties in so well with bitches, I am seeing the New York Theater Workshop production Saturday night. The video excerpts are intriguing, and the bitchiness and viciousness that you know we all LOVE, girls, is there, but the text has been substantially tampered with--a three act play reduced to one. Certain things have GOT to happen in TLF for it to work, no matter how you interpret it--Horace must die on the stairs, Biridie must have her breakdown, and Alexandra must tell off Regina. These are the play's central pieces and if you omit even one you do not have "The Little Foxes." You can bet if performed unsatisfactorily, this little fox will be outraged. Again, only time will tell!!!!!!

So congrats to our Bitch Of The Week, and looking forward to an even bigger group of bitches on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toodles, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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