Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Darlings, With My New, Fluffy White Curtains, I Feel Like Nancy Kelly in "The Bad Seed!!!!!!!!!"

Girls, my new fluffy white curtains are as beautiful as Aunt Cordelia's in "Miss Sniff!" I am telling you, what a difference decor can make. Who knows what else is possible--maybe a pitcher of Margaritas, or maybe the NTW "Little Foxes" will turn out to be something.

That is the challenge facing me, lambs. I just cannot decide if I should see "The Little Foxes." I mean, I love it, girls, and you know actors love playing bitches and audiences love watching them. I have done both, honey, so I know. But, I mean, modern dress? Birdie dressed in red? Showing her getting punched in the stomach? What is the point of this? Sure, it is a big fuck you to capitalism, but Mamet did it with just four letter words in "Glengarry Glen Ross." For all I admit I am intrigued, my loyalty to Lillian Hellman is steadfast. Talk about this year's fashions, and conscience!!!!!!! And don't forget, Lincoln Center did a very traditional "Little Foxes" 13 years ago that turned out to be disappointing.

What will i do, girls???????? Only time will tell, so stay tuned on here to see if the the 'Foxes' are foxy or not!!!!!!!!!!

The tears don't stop for Tyler Clementi. The latest is that supposedly perpetrator Molly Wei is said to be expressing remorse for her participation in the incident. Oh, yeah? Three weeks later???? Too little, too late, hon; no "Flower Drum Song" for this lotus bitch, go rot in the gutter, you tramp! Meanwhile, not a peep has been heard from the heinous Mr. Ravi, who has not even expressed the faux remorse of his co-perp. Darlings, where was this remorse when Tyler needed it??????
Where was it when you wouldn't face the family???????? The blood of this innocent young man is still crying out from the ground for retribution, because I hear these cries every day in his wake. And I will not rest until these cries are appeased.

And it starts, darlings, with the walk across the bridge on Saturday. Meanwhile, what am I supposed to do about Friday?? It is going to rain, I am supposed to go to the Cloisters, I have a doctor appt, I have to meet David, there is just too much for me to contend with at this time. The results could be as intersting and as drama hued as "The Little Foxes!!!!!!!!"

Honestly, just what is a girl to do??? With all that is going on, and having to maintain my visual and facial glamour; you know how hard it is getting to do? What with Halloween and another birthday looming on the horizon????? Just remember, as long as we look good, girls, we can hold our heads high, like Lana Turner when she walked down the street in "They Won't Forget."

Don't forget our date on the GWB Satuday, girls! Be there at your loveliest!!!!!!!!

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