Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Darlings, Today Is A Doubly Iconic Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, before we get to the issues at hand, cited in the subject bar of this blog engtry, let me fill you in on the weekend, which was a blur of frenzy and social activity. Honey, I am telling you, I am EMOTIONALLY exhausted!!!!!!!!!!

It started out Friday eve, with a romantic dinner with Monsieur Davide at Cafe Cluny, with the most tender and succulent roast chicken I have ever been served. As tender as ME, darlings!!!!!!! The wine flowed, and I was very high sprited and vicacious. That's right, lambs--HIGH SPIRITED AND VIVACIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday found me rendering service to others, while Monsieur Davide went galanvatning at a party on that potential slag heap and dumping ground for EVIL lesbians, known as Staten Island!!!!!!!!!! While yours truly curled my hair, and curled up in a chair with "The House OF Mirth" by Edith Wharton, and Patti LuPone's "Memoir." Girls, you just wouldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!! Finally, Mossieur walked in, and we settled down for a much needed nap.

Sunday, darlings, found me SO emotionally exhausted, I could barely get out of bed, and just sat watching the "Law And Order Marathon." I can't even remember if we drank coffee out of the Nancy Kelly coffee pot. I DO know that languoured in bed, because I was feeling like Helen Hayes as Catherine in the final scene of "A Farewell To Arms," where she dies in Gary Cooper's arms, while seeing doves, and he carries her corpse to the window!!!!!!!! Darlings, thank God for make-up!!!!!!!!!!!

And then, with yesterday being Columbus Day, we traipsed out to Queens, where amid much back breaking labor, like Suellen forced by Scarlett to work the fields at Tara, I discovered how much space I actually have in my place, not to mention my 'Bernadette' poster is adorning the wall. Honey, I am telling you, it looks FABULOUS. Then we hit Manducatis--with their scrumptious cauliflower pasta, tomatoes and mushroom, more wine, and a fabulous cheesecake. I meam, I felt just like one of the Golden Girls, which we watched last night. To think of the discoeries we made on the day Columbus discovered America.

Actually, darilings, today is what the schools and teachers in MY day taught us was Columbus day. But you know what I think of the schools and teachers from MY day, so enough said there. What is more important, especially in light of recent events, is that today is the 12th anniversary of Matthew Shepard's death, a benchmark event in LGBT history, bookended by a more recent tragedy--the death by suicide of lovely Tyler Clemente three weeks before, which leads me to wonder if anything was ever learnt in the face of Matthew Shepard's tragedy???? And to think I read an article today saying "What Is Wrong With Remmembering Tyler Clementi For LGBT Bullying?" Well, duh, nothing, except it is a crying shame that THIS is what he will be remembered for, and become a symbol of. NOT that he does not deserve to be honored, but I would much rathter have honored Tyler the future violinist, who might very well have achieved fame that way, instead of in a manner I am sure he never expected or wanted to. So now we have Matthew and Tyler as iconic boookends forever, while, with the other youth deaths last month, this is already being called America's Sad September. Which it is. But on Saturday, when we all take that walk in honor of Tyler, I want to hear love and joy for Tyler, the kind that he would have recieved had he stuck around, and that can be given now!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I know it is early on Saturday mornings, girls, but thank God for make-up. There is no excuse NOT to go, and not to look your best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Designeer dress only, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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