Saturday, October 9, 2010

Darlings, It Is Rose's Turn, And I Am Not Talking About "Gypsy"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this is just in, at least as of last night, when I first heard about it. Next Saturday, there will be a comemorative ceremony honoring sweet Tyler Clementi. The plan calls for paritcipants to meet at 9am on the Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge, then walk to where Tyler.....when there will be prayer, meditation, and then participants will throw a rose each into the river. You had better believe I am going to be there, loves, and I want every one of my girls to be there, too. I know we have to get up early, but think of it as a set call, darlings, so I want all your hair and makeup in place. You know mine will be, for sure!!!!!!!

One wonders if the Clementi family will attend. You can bet Darvi and Wei won't, because I am sure if spotted, someone would toss them into the river. Which would not bring Tyler back, so let us honor this peace loving lad in a peace loving way. You hear me, girls!!!!!!! This is not the time to play Velma Vigilante. Not yet, at least. See you there next Saturday. Be there, or be square. And I will be talking more about this as the week goes on, to be sure!!!!!!!!!!

And, darlings, can you believe the double header last night, on "Law And Order SVU?" First, "Alien," from season 7, around 2006, which should have been entitled "The Kids Are NOT All Right!" Little Sean Hamill is stabbed in the spine, rendering him paralyzed from the waist down, for life. Turns out he was tormenting his classmate, Emma Boyd, because she is being raised by two lesbians, and little Emma could not take it anymore, and stabbed him!!!! I am telling you, Raquel Cutro, who played Emma, was the sweetest little thing, but you don't you dare turn your back on her. Then you had Mary Beth Piel, looking like she was going to play Baby Jane Hudson, as the bitch grandmother who played every card in the book, from child moslestation allegations, to testifying against her own lawyer. I am telling you, I would not take any cookies baked by this granny. The whole thing was a lose-lose situation, with the children losing most of all--Emma's biological mother dies, Zoe takes her, but forbids the grandparents to ever see her again, and Sean is paralyzed for life. Why couldn't it have ended with everyone sipping tea at the St. Regis.

But if you thought this WAS something, you should have caught "Manipulated," also from the same season and year. Lawyer Vicky Riggs is found raped and murdered in her apartment, and there are a whole linoe of sucpects, including her ex-fiance who dumped her, when he found Vicki was making money on the side pole dancing at a club called (wink wink) Foreplay. Now, girls, we have all seen "Showgirls," and some of us at one time have wanted to be such, or maybe even "Showboys", but after taking the LSAT's , graduating law school and taking the bar to work in a top firm, headed in this case by Rebecca De Mornary as Tess McKellen, head of a top ranking law firm (even if she DID inherit it and the house from Daddy!!!!) and, though in a wheelchair from an accident in a car that rendered her paralyzed from the waist down (must have been the evening's theme!!!!!!!) looks pretty damn good, 13 years past playing Petyon Flanders. Hell, she proved she could still play Peyton, for Tess turns out to be a calculating bitch who not only set up the murders by a contractee to frame her cheating husband, she suffers from Munschauser's, and is not sick at all, or more likely, so sick that she willingly injuect viral germs into her system to pretend she is ill. How sick is that, girls!!!!! All for some atttention???? She was doing better in the panty scene in "Risky Business!" And this is coming from a gay man, girls!!!!!!!! But the best scene was when her husband finds out the truth, and pushes this bitch into their indoor pool, where she swims to safety and a prison conviction, with wet, hair, but damn if she still does not look good!!!!

A word about hair. Poor Emma Boyd in the other episode suffers the indignity of Sean cutting off her beautiful hair, making her look like a child bull dyke. Now, pay attention here, because this is why lesbians should not raise children. Zoe did absoulutely bothing about Emma's abominable hair style. Sure, her partner was dying in the hospital, but I can assre you, if this had happended to the child of two gay male parents, she would have been taken to Elizabeth Arden for a makeover immediately!!!!! Hell, if she had been MY daughter, I would have callled Anna and Grace, and seen what they could do. It demonstrates that even though these were nice, straighforward, lipstick lesbians, unlike the evil kind that creep out of their coffins on Saturday nights, making armadillos scatter, and crawling their way to Henrietta Hudson like the carnivorous, obese vampires they are, it takes gay men to realize how important is a child's need for fasfhion sense. No wonder Emma was picked on!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of such, can you now believe, that Molly Wei, the female instigator of Tyler Clementi's death, is crying poor mouth, because she is so upset that she is being attacked??? OH, POOR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who attacked whom, first, bitch??????????? Remember, if you had not invaded Tyler's privacy he would still be enjoying suburban obsucurity as a college student, making the discoveries of HIS OWN he is ENTITLED to make, rather than doing what he did, with the ensuing results. And now YOU want to complain about being attacked. You gooddamn witch, you should have thought of all this before you and Mr. Ravi acted. You KNEW Tyler was shy, you KNEW he was in a fragile set, and yet the two of you went ahead. Well, I am here to grab my testicles, like the two lesbians in Manatus awhile back to say to each of you "I hope you DRINK yourself to death!" "I hope you GROPE yourself to death!"

Justice For Tyler, loves. And it starts with honoring him next Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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