Thursday, October 7, 2010

Darlings, What Is this All About???????????

Girls, hardly we have had time to settle down from the Tyler Clementi incident and the subsequent drama that will follow, when, in one our own NYC so-called gay neighborhoods, Greenwich Village, and at an iconic locale, the Stonewall Inn, someone has been attacked.

What gives, you bitches? At some point on Sunday, a patron walked into the bar. He had a drink, and needed to use the Men's Room; and, sweeties, he was NOT looking for action. Have you seen what goes in there, lately??? Hell, you wouldn't hire them to move your furniture, let alone provide action.

So the guy goes in, needing to use the room for what it is actually for. Two guys in there ask him for money. "Yeah, sure; go walk the street, bitch!" is what I would have told them. The patron did refuse, and for that he gets beaten, pummeled, shoved into the stall, managing to extricate himself enough, bloodied and bruised, to make it out of the room alive, into the bar, calling for help, with the two close at his heels, only running out like the cowards they are. But, lambs, I have to hand it to the Stonewall crowd; don't mess with us in our hangouts, because the patrons went after these pieces of garbage, apprehended them, and turned them over to the cops!!!!!!!!! All I can say is two things--I wish Tyler Clementi was alive to hear this story and/or read this blog, because then he would know there is support for him out there, and, secondly, it is a good thing this did not happen during an opera at the Metropolitan, because, I am telling you, dolls, those Vicious Opera Qeens are tougher than butch jocks when their enjoyment is threatened, and they would have beaten those two to a bloody pulp. I am telling you, there would have been nothing left. At least the Stonewall guys left them alive--to pay their penalities.

What is this, National Gay Harassment Month???? College campuses, gay bars, where the Hell are we supposed to feel safe?

Of course, there is still The Center, thank God, but I think for insurance purposes, at least during these troubled times, they should assign Rollereena to hall patrol! And I STILL say my friend Harvey IS Rollereena.

It all reminds me of that "Law and Order" episode called "Manhood." A cop in a shooting calls for backup help; the call is relayed. Three cars are in the area, but allegedly "have difficulty" reaching the guy in time, so he dies. Turns out the cop was gay, and the police scum hangs him out to dry. They go on trial, and the bastard jury finds them "Not Guilty." They must have been congregants recruited from Anita Bryant's church. The last line, by the brilliant Sam Waterson, has him saying,"And they voted their indifference."

I fear this sceneario, and this line in the case of Tyler Clementi. And how many more attacks or killings, self or otherwise, do we have to stand for???? If Tanya Tucker were around, I would not stop her from firing some buckshot. As it is, these homophobes at the very least need to be locked in a theater and forced to watch "Steel Magnolias." Because they are NOT Steel Magnolias, they are Shit On A Shingle!!!!!!!!!

I am so alliterative today, aren't I, girls???? See what happens when I get all worked up!!!! Well, I am exhausted! Now I want all my girls out there to get all worked up! Hell, I want to get back to books, Bloody Marys and fasfhion, not worry about the next community member to get killed or pummeled. Fuck you, you heterosexual bigots!!!!!!!!! Rot like the scum you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And don't you DARE upset my table centerpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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