Thursday, October 7, 2010

Girls, We Have Ourselves Another Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While nothing, darlings, that this column produces further on, will ever top the evil of last week's winners, this week's interestingly follows in the wake of the previous ones. The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Andrea Peyser.

Miss Peyser has had it coming to her for years. Let's start with the fact that she writes for that reactionary right wing rag, the NY Post, and while all of us, hon, have every so often sampled its turgid entertainment, never taking it as serious journalism, Miss Peyser would have you see otherwise.

Read any of her columns over a time, and you get an evil, racist, bitch. Now add homophobia to the list. Yes, dears, Peyser had sounded off about Tyler Clementi---in the wrong way, of course.

BUT, to be fair, loves, she DOES say "It has gone too far. I am sorry for Tyler Clementi and his family." I will say at least THIS much--Andrea has said more than Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, or their parents. Not so much as a word of condolence. Makes you wonder what kind of scum is theese.

Where Peyser gets it wrong, and in the process hurts Tyler, is blaming Facebook and the social media. Now, girls, you know I am no fam of Facebook. I may blog, but this is as far as it goes, lambs. You know how I feel about those who think technology is the answer--the kind who couldn't function if it all vanished tomorrow morning. Hell, I could--just as long as I still had a coffee maker!!!! THAT is the deal breaker with me, loves!!!!!!!!!

Much as I abhor Facebook, it was not responsible for this tragedy. Hell, Tyler himself posted a farewell on it, which, maybe had it been heeded, could have prevented this sweet, talented young man from his deed, and kept him around for the love that was sure to come his way.

No, Facebook is NOT responsible; it is the people who use it and the uses it was put to by Ravi and Wei. And Peyser, of course, sidesteps this notion because of Tyler's homosexuality. He was just taking what we in the know call those first, tentative baby steps into the gay community, and even parents who photograph their literal offspring's steps, do so with a modicum of privacy or a willingness on their part to share. Tyler was not given the choice to share, which I am sure he would not have chosen. That choice was premeditatedly and evilly made for him, leading him to making the decision he did. Wrong choices all around.

But does Peyser use her verbal facility to muse upon this? No, in fact, according to the Village Voice, the message is if you read her carefully, you come away with Peyser's basic attitudes towards gays, which mirror those of people like my white trash relatives--
" You are not deserving of equal rights.
You are sick.
Your life should be behind closed doors.
Children shouldn't be left around you, for
fear you will corrupt them.
You don't deserve to ever get married or to
have a fammily.
You are not normal."

Nice, Andrea! And this from someone who grew up in Queens, the land of frosted hair and tinted nails, which is how low level look at glamourizing themselves. Even for the NYPOST, I am surprised Peyser has made it beyond the
high school secretarial pool. but then we don't really know her credentials, do we?
And I don't think the NY POST is too strict about its writers educations. I am sure
you will not see any Ivy Leagures writing for it. Like me, I am sure they would
rather wait tables, before being associated with such a rag.

Miss Peyser's lowlife origins and bad fashiion sense alone would make her Bitch Of The Week. But her scurlious attitudes in the face of the Clementi situation make her our indisputed winner this week. Let me just add, Rutgers Universtiy is looking REAL good as a future contender; with Tyler gone two weeks, and nothing pending yet for Ravi and Wei (OK, I understand that) why doesn't Rutgers give itself some credibility in the face of this tragedy and EXPEL the scum???????
Believe me, if they do not, you are looking at a column there. But only time will tell, loves!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, let us toast Andrea Peyser as our Bitch Of The Weeek, as neither her fashion sense or editiorial manner are expected to improve. Have a Bloody Mary in honor of Andrea. Hell, have two--making sure one of those drinks gets tossed right in her face!!!!!!!!!

Bitch, bitch, bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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